Happily ever after

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Elijah took me to Paris for our honeymoon. It was the best experience I ever had. After some days. So a baby bump is visible now. Sometimes, I have mood swings but Elijah handles them very nicely. He is too good to be true. We were just hanging out in Elijah's study while I was on the phone with my friends.

"Batman is a man that dresses up like a bat," Sheldon said.

"Yes," I replied.

"Manbat is a part-man part bat hybrid." 

"Mm Hm," I replied.

"Now, if man-bat dresses up like a man to fight crime. Would he be man batman?" He asked.

"No, he would be batman bat," Leonard spoke up.

"Wait, But wouldn't Man-Batman just be a Batman that was bitten by a radioactive man?" I asked.

 "But Batman is a man. You're talking about a man who would have the powers of a man. That's just Man-Man," Leonard said

Sheldon: Well, isn't Man-Man just Man?

Leonard: But what if Man-Man dressed as a bat?

Me: Well, that's just Batman.

Leonard: No, if a man dresses as a bat, that's Batman, but if Man-Man dresses as a bat, that's Batman-Man.

Me: Okay, enough of you guys today. I am gonna hang up now. Bye!

I look over at Elijah who was so engrossed in his book. The week has been so relaxing. I am still adjusting to pregnancy. I suddenly feel a kick in my stomach that makes me giggle.

"Elijah!!!" I yelled. He immediately looked at me.

"Come over here. I think the baby's kicking!" I said with zeal. He immediately got up from his chair and sped to me. He felt a kick and was overjoyed.

"Oh my  God!" He whispered while giggling with tearing eyes.

Those sweet moments of pregnancy with my husband were the best ones. The discomfort and fear of pregnancy were being handled by Elijah mainly. One time, he made me watch a woman giving birth.

"So, this is  how a baby is born." The recording says. I was totally freaked out. How am I gonna push two babies from my Vagina?? I was horrified while Elijah glanced at my face.

"Oh! I am NOT doing THAT." I  said.


"Elijah No! I am not pushing two babies out of my legs. Oh my god! We have to find another way. No! There's no way in hell, I am doing that." I said.

"Sweetheart I need you to calm down. I will find the world's best doctors for you. And think about it! The discomfort and pain will only last for a day! Then we will have a whole life ahead of us. We will be a cute little family."

"You better find those doctors or  Imma kill you," I said and moved over to him."

"I have an idea for names," I said.

"Do tell."

"We would name the boy Henry in honor of your little brother and we could name the girl Andrea in honor of Annie," I said. His eyes lit up with joy.

"Honey, that's a wonderful idea." He said giggling and kissing the palms of my hand.

Finally, that day came. I went into labor but I was on Anaesthesia and I couldn't feel any pain. I gave birth to two beautiful children. One girl and one boy. 

"Oh! Henry's eyes are so beautiful. He's all you Elijah." I whispered.

"Andrea's gorgeous. She's all you Jyosette." He said which made me giggle.

"Can we see our niece and nephew now?" Klaus, Cami, Bex, and Freya were waiting by the door. Elijah gestured them to come in.  

"I am happy for you. You will make a wonderful father." Nik said putting his hand on Elijah's shoulder.

"Thanks, brother," Elijah replied.

Our lives were never boring from that day. I ran my publishing company side by side and also took care of the children. It wasn't that easy but seeing Elijah do all the chores and help out somehow gave me the strength to carry on. Kids were getting naughtier day by day. But they were adorable. It's been four years since our marriage. The kids are doing great and Elijah is perfect as always.

"Mommy, how did you and daddy meet?" Little Henry asked the question.

"Well, your daddy and your uncle came to my home to ask for some help, and then your uncle and I had a little... fight. I helped them and then we became friends."

"Time for bed munchkins," Elijah said piggybacking both of them to bed.

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