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You stare at him blinking your eyes.

You get his words clearly but you don't know how to respond.

It's true, that you love him.

When you look into his eyes, you can see your world in there. When you look at him the world doesn't seem so lonely. He makes you want to understand the true meaning of love and then give it all to him. 

He makes you want to smile often because once he said that your smile takes away all his pain. He makes you want to trust him and love him. 

And doesn't matter how much you deny but your heart is full of him. To the point, you can't even call it your heart. 

He is everything you ever wanted. 

And if anyone tells you to write why you love him, you can write down thousands of pages and even then the words in English grammar would fall less to state all of them. 

You never realized when you fell for him this hard. But, you knew it wasn't sudden. 

You fell for him everyday. 

Every time, he used to look at you, you fell for him. 

Every time, he told you that he ditched his friends to meet you, you fell for him. 

Every time, you heard his voice, you fell for him. 

Every single day counts. 

And now, your love for him has reached such heights that you can never not love him. 

You are quite an observer. You have seen all his efforts, even the smallest ones. And it makes it even harder for you to not love him. 

Like, how can you not fall in love with that guy?

It's Jeon Jungkook. 

And the fact that he goes out of his way for you makes you fall for him harder. 

And you do realize that you'll never stop falling for him. 

But, do you know what's a bigger feeling than love?


What if one day, you don't find him beside you? 

What if one day, you lose him?

And, this is what stops you from accepting your feelings. Moreover, this guy who is confessing his love to you, have had played with feelings of many. 

It's hard to accept him. 

"Y/n... I just want to make you happy, because you are the reason I am so happy." 

And yeah, it's even harder to let him go. 

"If I had super powers and I could give you one thing..." 

He looked into your eyes and you couldn't be more sure of his words. His eyes says it all. 

"I'd give you my heart... so you could know, how much I have loved you every single second. How much my heart have wanted you. Because it's so difficult to explain in words." 

And now, even if things don't go too well in future, you don't care. 

You have fallen in love with him in this moment and you want to live in this moment. 

You don't care about later. 

Because what actually maters, is him. 

And your love. 

"I am not asking you to love me back. I am just telling you how I feel. It was getting harder to keep it all within me." 

His words feel so right. 

"Jungkook..." He hums as you call out his name. 

"Let's ruin our friendship." He frowns tilting his head. You lift your head staring right into  his eyes. 

"Let's be lovers instead." It takes him a while to process what you actually said. 

He surely didn't imagine it, right?

No, he can't be dreaming. 

It really has to be the reality. 

"What... What do yo-" You giggle pulling his collar making him hover over you. 

You place a sweet peck on his lips. 

"That means I love you too, idiot." You can see how happy he is. "What..? Say that again." He chuckles leaning closer to you. 

"I love you Jungkook." He holds your waist excitedly. "Oh shit. I love you so much." He smiles wider leaning closer to you. 

He kisses your lips. 

You didn't know how much you missed him kissing you until now, when he really is kissing you. 

He slips his tongue inside your mouth sucking your bottom lips. A string of saliva hangs over your chin as he pulls away connecting his forehead with yours.

"I am the happiest man alive on the earth today." 


Been three hours since you both confessed and now the two of you, are in his studio room. There are clay pots in the room. Beautiful clay pots with unique patterns and shapes on it. 

You did know, Jungkook was good with clay. 

But this good. 

"Is this fun?" You ask as you look at the potter's wheel set on the left side of the room. 

"Well, it is." You walk towards the shelf looking at the clay pots. "Wow...I thought you were useless." You joke giggling at him. He rolls his eyes. 

"You got smart brains. I got smart hands." You nod your head walking closer to him. 

"Wanna try this?" He points at the clay beside him and the potter's wheel. You look at him narrowing your eyes. 

You nod your head. 

He holds your wrist pulling you to stand between him and the counter. 

He holds your hands placing them near the pots as the wheel starts rotating at a faster speed. He holds your palms firmly giving them a shape. 

He closes his eyes putting his head on your shoulder. He rubs his nose over your bare shoulders sending shivers down your spine.

Suddenly, you are not interested in the clay pot in front of you. 

He places wet kisses all over your shoulders and neck making you throw your head back at the ecstatic feeling. 

He removes his hand from over yours. Instead he holds your waists tightly. 

The pressure on the pot suddenly lessens as it is now ruined. He turns it off. 

He turns you around placing you on the counter. 

He holds your neck with his clayey hands while you put your dirty hands away from him. "Jungkook, we got clay all over-" You can't complete when he smashes his lips on yours. 

He tilts his neck deepening the kiss. His arms make their way under your thighs as he lifts you up taking you to somewhere. 

As a reflex action you wrap your arms around his neck kissing him back. 

He sucks your tongue nibbling on your bottom lips. 

He pushes the door open with his leg walking inside. You don't even open your eyes to see where you are. 

You are too into him. 

Soon, you feel water droplets falling over you. He places you on the floor as your back hits the wall. 

It's now you realize, you are under shower with him in the bathroom. 

You can't keep your eyes open because of the water falling but you can feel his hot breath over your face. 

As he speaks, his lips brushes over yours. 

"Right now, it's not the clay we care about, do we baby?" 

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