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"Never met a Fuckboy like you." Throwing a packet of chips towards the man who's lying on your couch lazily, you push his legs away to make space for yourself.

"I know I am unique." Hiding his other side behind a cute smile he rips the wrapper eating the chips as you're glaring at him. He's aware what's coming next. Wish he could wrap himself in a blanket and protect himself but unfortunately there's no blanket on the couch. Even his leather jacket is lying across the room.

He really needs this superpower of controlling objects through his mind.

As he was preparing himself he receive a smack on his stun arms. Guess what? Hitting him is the most stupid idea.

You're jelly like human and he's this big bold man who's body is built of metal.

"You Fucking Jeon. I was literally going from one house to another at freaking 2 am instead of sleeping on my bed." You shout as he hisses because of the sudden outburst near his ears.

"Aren't you my friend? If you wouldn't do that who would?" You let out a disappointed scoff. "Excuse me? You have like millions of friends." You state a fact that he's aware of. "But I could only think of you at that moment." He replies innocently and damn who wouldn't fall for it. His doe puppy eyes pleading for you to just shut the fuck up but that man played with your sleep. How can you let him go so easily.

"Oh great. For going to clubs, parties and all, you never think of me and when you suddenly want to get home you are reminded that yes you have a dork head who will never deny to help you." He smiles sheepishly crawling towards you and clinging onto your arms.

"C'mon, why so angry baby? You wanna go to parties, there's one tonight. We're going together, okay?" You roll your eyes pushing him away as he's pouting on the couch alone. How to get angry on that cute baby like human.

"No... I don't wanna go with you. Just do me one favour. Stop calling me to pick you up from random stranger's house. Learn to keep your dick in your pants." Leaving him alone in the living room you slam the door of your bedroom to get ready for school.

You're gonna doze off in every class and it's all his fault.

What happened is, you were sleeping peacefully and in the midst of the night you heard your phone buzzing non stop. You picked up the call and he shared a particular location on your phone and asked you to pick him up from the girl's house whom he fucked that night.

After shouting at him, you eventually went to pick him up. But then when you arrived there you received another call of him saying that he went to that girl's friend's house because she was insisting. What is this man? He literally be fucking two girls like that.

But after all he's your friend so you couldn't leave him, that's why you have to go to this other location he shared. Finally when he was in the car with you he said that he forgot his Jacket that has his student ID in that previous girl's house.

Great. Just great. After hearing him whining and pouting and all you drove to the previous house. After all this drama now here you are, in your house with no sleep and it's literally morning.

Thanks to that bulky hot man who didn't let you sleep and made you his driver for the night.

Back to the present. You're all ready for school and walk out of your bedroom only to find him digging in your kitchen. Banging your head slightly on the wall you curse yourself for being his friend. You rush towards him pushing him away from your fridge.

"The heck you want Jungkook? Don't you have to go to school. Why are you still here. Go to your Fucking house, idiot. And eat the food in your kitchen." He leans on the counter and cross his arms. "I don't have my bike?"  Heaving out a sigh you drag him out from the kitchen and carry your car keys.

"I'll drop you at your house. And after that you're giving me a treat for all the labour work I did." He smiles and pecks your cheeks. "That's the reason I love you so much." Carrying his jacket he walks out of the house while you're staring at his back.

You let out a chuckle. "And this is the man who always say to me that he has no word like love in his dictionary."


You're sitting in the cafeteria alone eating your food. That's like a routine. You don't have many friends. It's only Jungkook who's always there. You don't even know how you ended up being his friend.

Oh wait. The starting of your friendship with him was really weird. You were a transfer student here and one day you caught him fucking a girl in the empty classroom. And that time the teacher was so near to enter the classroom but you stopped her. Don't know why but you just did and since then he has been friends with you.

Like it's him who's been sticking around you. He has very less female friends because of one solid reason. He end up fucking every girl and all the girls around him stick to him just to get his hands in their pants.

But you never looked at him that way and so did he that's why you both have been friends for almost 3 years now.

And your other friend, is recently on a holiday so yeah, here you are eating alone.

You don't have many friends because you are really bad at starting conversations. The one who does first, congratulations then.

"Y/n!" You almost spit out the food in your mouth because this one crazy man decided to scare the shit outta you by doing something so childish from your back. "Hey, are you crazy?" Drinking some water you gulp down the food in your throat as he's laughing his lungs out while taking a seat in front of you.

"Oh my God. Your reaction is priceless." He says while wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes. You're glaring at him with gritted teeth. "You know it's always me." Yeah, he does this all the time but it's out of sudden. Even ghosts would be startled.

"You're in need of brain." You snort continuing to eat your food but then it strikes you. "Why are you here?" He shrugs his shoulders chewing the stew which he picked from your plate.

"Why can't I be here?" You roll your eyes at his question. You wished for an answer.

"I mean, where are your friends? Why aren't you with them?" He's stuffing his face eating the dishes from your plate while you're focused to get an answer.

"I ditched them for you." Wish, he would've done that. You thought.

"Enough of lying. What do you want?" He frowns shaking his head. "I don't lie." The biggest lie ever. In his entire life if he has mastered in something, it's in lying.

"Anyways, I told you about the party. You're coming with me tonight." Your eyes widen listening to that. Not like you don't like parties. Yes, you don't like parties because you have to leave your bed and dress up for it. Who made that stupid rule of wearing fancy clothes in parties. Clothes are clothes.

"I was kidding when I said you don't take me with you. I really don't want to." You readily deny his offer but now when he has decided to take you, he will no matter what happens. If the party is cancelled then he'll throw one from his side and take you with him.

"I'll be at your house at 8 and I don't care what you're doing or wearing, I'm picking you up and taking you with me."

Fuckboy Best friend || JJKOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz