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You lay back on your bed staring at the ceiling. It's 1 am but you are still not sleepy. Your day was going just fine until you saw that fucking story.

You feel the need to socialize more. You need to talk to someone who is not Jungkook but the problem is that it's only him. You have had friends before too but not someone like Jungkook. You feel so comfortable with him like you have never felt with anyone before.

You feel the emptiness rising inside you. That empty feeling right after you leave Jungkook. You want him to stay with you 24/7 and that wish is unhealthy for you.

You can't have him with you every time. You need to understand that.

"Alright, Y/n...how about trying to make some new friends?" You mumble turning around on your bed.

But wait... how do we do that. You never made friends yourself. Always the other person approached you first.

"C'mon, it's not that difficult. We just need to talk."


The next day you are walking down the hallway waiting for Jungkook to jump out of nowhere and scare you like he always does but he doesn't come. You have reached your classroom and still, there is no sight of him.

You heave out a sigh pulling out your phone and texting him.

The class starts and he's still not there. Then it hits you. He was at the party last night. Maybe he decided to ditch school today but how come he didn't send you a single message.

Whenever he is about to ditch school, the first person he tells about it is you.

You shrug off his thoughts concentrating on the lectures.

The day is about to end, like it's evening and you still don't know where that freaking bastard is. He can text you just a single line so you can stop thinking about him. He hasn't seen your messages nor has answered any of your calls.

He has never been like this.

For some unknown reason, this situation is making you anxious.

Just as you are about to hit the wall beside you in frustration, your phone rings.

As if you found a ray of sunshine in dark, your eyes lit up. You pick up your phone from the desk and you don't feel as happy as you would've felt if it was Jungkook calling you.

You pick up the call keeping your phone near your ears.

"Hi, Tae." You greet him plopping on your couch. Suddenly, a thought comes to your mind. Before he can speak, you ask him a question. "Well, do you know where is Jungkook?" He must be knowing where his friend is, right?

"Maybe he is at his house or somewhere. I didn't talk with him." You nod your head wondering what he might be doing. "Why?"

"Oh, nothing. So, how are you?" You already feel him smiling. "I am good. Just missing you." You let out a playful chuckle. "There is this restaurant that opened recently. Will you come with me?" You think about it and it's not that bad. You don't have anything to do. Trying food from some new place sounds like the best idea.

"I'd love to"

"Great. I'll pick you up in 30." You hum in response before hanging up.

You chose an outfit by yourself. Wish, Jungkook was here to help you out with your outfit.

Well, he isn't.


"You are looking pretty." He speaks checking you out. You blush at his gaze. "You too are looking handsome." You bite back a sheepish grin as you get inside his car.

The ride is quite silent until you turn on the music. You pull out your phone making snaps which basically includes him. He shoots a smile your way as he notices your camera.

I swear, you melted and became water because of that smile.

"Taehyung, you ever had a girlfriend?" He takes a glance at you before turning away. "Not really." He reply short. You nod your head making a pout.

This time he starts a conversation and you lead it on. Both of you laughing and giggling time to time at each other's smart remark until you have arrived at the restaurant.

The place is lit up. Not too many people are there. That's what make you love it more.

Places with less crowd are lit.

He pulls out a chair for you to sit giving you a dramatic bow. You bite back a laugh but a smile breaks out on your lips making him chuckle.

He sits on the other chair as the waiter comes to take your order.

"So, how is it going?" You raise a brow shooting him a questioning glare.
He must have sensed your confusion as he quickly adds : "I came to know that you are representing our school in the debate competition." You make an o shape getting his point.

"Well, it's an on spot debate competition so I don't have much to practice but yeah, I'm working on my communication skill, then getting more knowledge and what's happening in the world. So far it's pretty good but you know how stressful it is, especially when I am the one representing our school."

He nods his head. "I understand but I know you'll do well. Also, if there's anything I can help with, feel free to ask me. I'm just a phone call away." Your lips curl up as you nod your head.

The food soon arrives. Both of you are hungry so you both dig in it.

A notification pops up on your screen. You ignore it but another notification pops up.

You keep your spoon down, picking up your phone.

Jjeon071 just made a post.
xsoojinxx just made a post.

You look through the pictures. There's this weird feeling you feel in the pit of your stomach as you look at the pictures.

They are probably having fun together. So much into each other that they forgot they have life out there.

The man in front of you must have noticed the tic in your jaw and the way you're clenching your teeth so he asks what's wrong.

"What happened?" Your head snaps towards him as you keep your phone away stating at him. "Oh, nothing. The food is nice." His lips curl up as if he's the one who owns the restaurant and is happy with your compliment.

"Let's take pictures." He is more than happy with your idea.

He sees you shifting your chair closer to his.

You both have a wonderful picture session.

"I look good in this." He points his index finger at one of the pictures. "You look good like this too." You pinch his nose before retreating your hand back and uploading the pictures on instagram.

No, it's not to show Jungkook that you can have fun even without him and him ghosting you doesn't matter at all or maybe it is.

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