Chapter 9: Spider attack

Start from the beginning

It soon showed you and Blake fighting against the white fang, making Noah widen his eyes from what he's seeing.

Noah:" Raiden!? No, Another one like me!"

' The second being something that we sadly can't show on screen, it would be ill-advised against all the people children to watch what was on the footage. All we can say is 6 white fang members were found dead, while the first group only injured them'

Noah:" That's great! This is great!"

Noah turned to the unconscious man and smacked him in the head.

Noah:" Guess this is your lucky day"


You were feeling fuzzy, you stumbled upon your movement and soon fell onto the side table, hitting your jaw on it and falling right next to the bed.

Yn:" Owe?"

You didn't know how to react to that, but standing up, you checked the time and saw it being 3 of the afternoon.

Yn:" I guess I did need sleep"

Picking up your sword, you set it onto your back as it dropped a bit from magnets pulling it.

Yn:' What's out on the news today?'

' A Police officer who was charged with 29 sex charges has now been sent to prison, officials say

Yn:" That's great news"

' A rare bear is now wanted by officials, the bear dubbed Hank the Tank over in Vale and is strong enough to beat an Ursa Major. So, officials warn you to stay away from it unless you are certain you can beat it. Charged with 29 break-ins the bear-'

You put your hand on your forehead before starting to laugh a bit.

Yn:" Alright, that just takes the cake"

You hide the tabs from your front and decide to get out of your room and not be a gremlin. You walked out the door and saw the door open to RWBY- Sorry BRSY (I used Weiss last name), walking down the corridor, reaching the door. Furthermore, you knock a few times before seeing Blake cleaning up the shelves.

Blake:" Hello"

Yn:" I forgot you were the leader of this team"

Blake:" Whom else would it be?"

Yn:" I wouldst know, really, but where are they now?"

Blake:" Getting something to eat, over at vale, which was over 2 hours ago"

Yn:" Do they have any fighting problems?"

Blake:" Apart from Weiss being natty at Ruby, no not really, apart from her whole personality being angry"

Yn:" What why?"

Blake:" She doesn't have her weapon"

Yn:" What happened to it?"

Blake:" When we were doing the entrance exam, Weiss left her weapon as a sacrifice to escape"

Yn:' I see...'

Yn:" I'll go see if I can find it"

Blake:" Let me go aswel-"

Yn:" No no, please rest, I took you out for a long journey last night, I don't need much sleep anyway as well I have no fatigue."

Blake:" Alright, but here"

Blake tossed you something and catching it, you see it to be a dust capsule'

Yn:" What is this for?"

Blake:" Rub it onto the blade of your weapon, it will add the effect to it"

Looking at the container, you smiled as you walked out the door.

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