Chapter 1: Rapture

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"Victor-november-niner-five-eight-two," he said, looking at the card in his hands.

"Copy sir, your orders?" a voice came out from the comms.

"Zulu-echo-six-two-five-eight" he said, slightly shaking.

"Zulu-echo-six-two-five-eight, sir, over," the voice said.

He was sweating, for the first time in ages, his conscience is taunting him. Time seemed to have stopped. He knew the outcome of saying the word is apocalypse. Billions of lives lost on both fronts, countless children, some as old as his own will burn. Is this really the right thing to do? He thought. Being president during wartime meant that he did have to order a lot of inhumane things, things which are controversial and just...wrong. He had ordered the execution of many Chinese-Americans which he had called spies. He knew most of them don't have any ties or loyalties to the People's Republic of China. Heck, some of them might even have been staunchly pro-American and anti-communist. However, the risk was still there, and he had to ensure that nothing could endanger America's supremacy, even if it meant killing potentially good American citizens.

This was different, he now held the power to end the world. His conscience was nagging him, trying its best to stop it, to prevent a Mutually Assured Destruction. Just this once, he questioned his cause, is it really right to end the world, even for the best nation in the world? A drop of sweat rolls down. How would he answer to God after the earth is blanketed in Nuclear Fire? He was almost about to give up, let only his nation be wiped out.

Wait, those bastards shot first, a voice in his head said and cleared up his mind completely. No, the greatest country on Earth shall never go down without a fight, consequences be damned, he thought to himself. He hardened his heart and silenced his conscience one more time.

"Confirmed" he said. The voice rang out in the air, and the world ended.

The scene changes, he saw himself in New York, he saw the people running, screaming in fear, trying to leave the city before the bombs fell. He saw street preachers out there, begging people to repent one last time.

Then he saw it: a streak across the sky, and then a bright light.

. . . . . .

President William McPherson woke up in cold sweat. This is the second night in a row where he dreamt of the day he ended it all, the day everything burns. He got out of bed and took and took a lift up to the highest level of the oil rig. He looked down at everything, the remnants of the US Navy is docked here, they depart tomorrow afternoon for another Enclave rig. His one, one disguised as a Poseidon Oil Rig, is the most advanced. It contains it's own industrial center, labs, armories, food growing facilities and etc. and it lies outside of the radiation zone. The rig itself could sustain 1000 people and is now the home of all the top government officials and their families along with that of the military high command.

He went back to sleep after 15 minutes there and saw the entire dream sequence all over again.

. . . . . . . . . . .

"At this rate, we would be severely inbred by the time the radiation goes down enough!" said one of the officials, he wasn't sure which one. Every day, he has to listen to nonsense like this, even after the end of the world three days ago. William was getting more and more tired of this, but it was within his expectation. This discussion about potential inbreeding went on for a bit before he was about to throw in his opinion. But before he could speak, a random soldier rushed into the room.

"Sir, something is going on!" The man was panting hard, they could tell it's an emergency. "The sky has turned completely white and the navigational equipments have stopped working!" Panic started breaking out in the room.

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