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- The eager beaver -

A clenched jaw, intense eye contact, furrowed brows, and reddened skin are facial signs of anger. You might notice these signs when someone is unable to express anger through gestures or words.

Well, here is a prime example from a young lad, who was calmly reaching his classroom to start his day, when he was welcomed with a single notebook of his, individually displayed at the center of his table.

And when he flips the first page, the second and so on, his whole body just shuts down, and gradually the volcano in him is loading to explode the hell out of him.

He storms out of the classroom, with his school comrades watching him with typical anticipation.





"KANG Y/N!!!" A strong roaring yell, loud as a horn. Perhaps he can be the next general for the military.

Everyone from the classroom window, quietly watches him stomping his way towards a person like a monster ready to kill its prey.

Despite the intimidating, life threatening yell, the person who was called turns around casually, and instantly, her eyes gleam upon his appearance. She starts fixing herself, blushing up when he gets closer to her.

"Yes??" She bets her eyes at him, contradicting the fearsome atmosphere with her seducing aura.

Without any words, he shoves the notebook wide open to her face, startling her. "WHAT. IS. THIS?"

She slightly leans away to get a full view of the red colour scribbling plastering all around the page. After recognizing the pattern, her lips slightly stretch up with an "oohh." as a response.

"It's a heart!" She states the obvious. "Do you like it??"

The question immediately catches her red handed. But that's not the case, that's the least and obvious answer he wanted. He goes straight to the real question.

"Why are you messing with my notebook?! I need it for my homework!!"

"It's just a heart!" She excuses and he huffs in disbelief. He holds the book with both of his hands, having his eyes locked on her and flips the pages to see hearts on every piece of the pages until the end.

"Just A HEART you say?" He's technically disclosing the case and exposing her publicly.

However, the trick doesn't lift a single hair of hers. She remains unshaken and bright. It causes the lad's confidence and anger to waver into despair.

"Don't take people's books and scribble them as you like!!" He scolds, feeling at the edge of the cliff, and it just worsens when the girl turns her back on him, shamelessly ignoring his words.

At this point, he gives up.

"Tadaa!!" She turns around and spreads both hands. He sees on her palms, a shining silver necklace, with a red gemstone as a pendant.

"A present for you!! Look, the stone here is a Red Topaz! It's very rare, I worked hard to get it for you!!"

He looks up, and his eyes glowered at her. His hand glides up to hers, closing the palms and slowly pushing her hands to her.

"I don't need it."

She frowns in disappointment. "But-"

"Stop wasting money on something like this." He puts a pressure on her hands and drops it before turning around and walk away.

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