"I missed you to doll. I thought of you every day"

She smiles and blush starts to form on her cheeks

"What are you making for dinner?"

"Salmon and pesto pasta, you're favorite"

I smile and kiss her again

"Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes, why don't you get changed and set the table"

I nod and walk upstairs to our shared bedroom

Natalia's POV

James walks upstairs and I let out a huge sigh. After dinner, I was going to tell him. I'm scared about what his reaction is going to be. I'm just hoping that he will be happy and not upset

"That was great Natalia, I always look forward to your cooking. Especially after long missions where the food tastes like shit"

She chuckles at my comment

"James, I have something for you"


She gets up from her seat and walks out of the dining room. A few seconds later she returns with a box in her hands. She places the box in front of me and I look at it, then look back up at her

"It's not going to bite you, James"

She chuckles and kisses my cheek

"I open the box and inside I see a white stick"


I pick up the white stick. I flip it over and read the words on it

"Clearblue... pregnant-pregnant. Oh my god, you are pregnant?!"


I get up and hug my wife, picking her up and kissing her

"You're not mad?"

"Of course not, we're having a baby"

Natalia' POV

It is now 10:30 and James and I are laying in bed, spooning. James has his metal arm around my waist, rubbing my stomach. The bare metal touching my skin sent shivers down my back

"Are you okay doll?"

"I'm fine, I'm just thinking"

"About what?"

"How our life is going to be in a few months"

"Well, we are going to be parents to a beautiful and amazing child"

I smile at his loving words. I knew when I met him 6 years ago that James would be the one I would marry

time skip to 5 months later

Natalia's POV

It had been five months since James and I found out we are expecting. He's been the most loving and caring husband I could ever ask for. He wouldn't go on missions as often and if he did, the most they would be was a week. He always checked up on me making sure I am okay and asking if I need anything. When I had to wake up in the middle of the night to throw up, he would get up with me. He would hold my hair back and stay with me until I felt better. He would help me clean up and help me back to bed, making sure I am comfortable. He would go to the store often whenever I was craving something. He would take me to all my appointments and stayed in bed with me when I felt like shit. He was the best husband and i knew he would be the best father to our child


"What's wrong Natalia?"

"I don't feel well"

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