Chapter 28: Choices

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It's the last chapter!
Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've been away at a volleyball tournament for my school.
Anyways hope you guys like this chapter.
What choice do you think will be made?

Miles's POV

It was chaos!
There were trucks, trains, chunks of streets, and even pieces of buildings, flying around the room. I could only imagine the destruction the city was enduring.

I landed forcefully on the side of a skyscraper that had been soaring around the room and finally came face to face with the man I hated. I wanted nothing more at this moment then to just end this murderer- this monster. I clenched my fists so tightly that my fingers had begun to go numb. I saw the same hate reflected in his eyes.

We stared each other down, neither of us daring to move. I noticed his eyes shift slightly to his right and my eyes traveled down to his side where a small, black, metal object sat.

"A gun."

I crouched down as he reached for it. He pulled it out of its holster and aimed it at me. With barely any time to think, I leapt backward into the air. I felt as well as heard the bullet as it whizzed past my head.

I shot a web a the barrel of the gun and yanked it out of his hands. It flew somewhere out of reach. I narrowed my eyes at Kingpin.

"I wonder if that's the same gun he used when he shot Uncle Aaron."

I lunged at him and landed a strong blow across his face. His head jerked to the side upon impact.

He let out a huff of annoyance before swinging his arm at me. The hit knocked me back, sending me flying toward a school bus. I crashed through the windows and let out a small yelp as I felt the broken shards of glass dig into my back.

I landed with a thud in one of the rows of seats. I quickly shook my head in attempt to focus and took a brief scan of my surroundings. There was nothing special about the bus. It looked just like the one I would ride to and from Brooklyn Middle School.

Soon Kingpin crashed through the main door of the bus. He let out a angry growl as he charged at me. I hastily leapt up kicking open the escape hatch on the roof of the bus and swerving through it. I cast a quick glance at the flashing green button above me.

"I need to hit that button if I want to end this."

I hopped on a car that came wizzing by. I waited a few seconds then jumped off as it crashed into a large piece of floating of pavement. I tucked and rolled when I landed on that chunk of the road. It must have come from and intersection because there was a bright red stop sign on the corner of it.

I looked up at the button as it flashed its bright green light. A small high-pitched beeping sound emanating from it. The sound was ringing in my ears and making my head pound as sweat rolled down my masked face.

"I have to stop this. Now."

I glanced to my right as a big piece of a sidewalks came zipping my way. It was just high enough. If I shot a web at it and pulled myself up I'd make it to the button.

I attempted to do just that, but was halted by a strong pull on my ankle. The grip on my leg tighten as my attacker chucked me across the room. I hit the ground with so much force that a felt my ankle pop on impact. I bit my tongue, stifling a scream.

I watched as Kingpin stalked toward me like a wolf creeping up on it's prey. He gave me a look that was filled with a burning hatred. I could almost see sparks of flames dancing in his eyes.

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