Chapter 23: With You

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Gwen's POV

"Gwen, I-I... I like you," Miles stuttered as his face flushed a dark red. My lips parted in surprise.

"He likes me?"

If I was being completely honest, I had been hoping and pleading that he would say that. Though it still surprised me nonetheless. As soon as the words escaped his mouth his eyes darted down to his hands. He twiddled his thumbs nervously as he awaited my reaction.

I was not entirely sure what to think. Had it not been just two days ago when I refused his offer of friendship? Now I had a huge crush on him and had nearly kissed him just a few hours ago.

This was crazy, but had anything been truly normal since I got these powers- since I got sucked through some wormhole into another dimension. If I was being honest, nothing about my life had been normal for a long time. That was why I could not have friends- why I could not get close to anyone. Anybody affiliated with me was put in danger and they would have no idea... but Miles knew.

Miles got close to me without even trying. He knew that helping me and the others would be dangerous, but he did not care. He broke down the walls that I had build up over the last two years to shield myself from others and he did it with just a few words. He knew the how risky it could be for us to get close and I knew too... but I did not care.

I was done being scared.

"Miles," I started. His amber eyes met mine. They were filled with anxiety. I gulped down my nerves. "I... like you too."

His face immediately lit up and a smile a mile wide stretched across his face. "Y-You do?" he questioned, his voice filled with excitement. He sounded like a ten year old who had just gotten a new Xbox.

I chuckled at the childishness in his voice. "Yes, you dork, I like you," I reassured, my voice a bit more assured than the last time I said it.

We both gazed into each other's eyes for- I actually was not entirely sure how long. All I do know is that it felt like an eternity and I would not have had it any other way. Warm smiles spread across our faces.

Suddenly Miles lifted his hand up to cup my cheek. His touch sent sparks across my skin and I shuddered, though I had no intention of backing away. I watched as his eyelids fluttered shut and I mimicked his movements. The cold night's wind no longer seemed to affected me as my body was filled with a remarkable warmth. I took notice of how his hands did not quake or tremble like they did last time. He was calm, sure, and confident.

His lips finally met mine and I felt a surge of euphoria course through me. His hand slipped behind my head as he tangled his fingers into my hair. I had never felt such an overwhelming feeling of elation in my life. It felt like multiple explosions of color were going off in my head.

Miles's POV

Her lips were so soft. They felt like heaven. I honestly do not even know what came over me when I decided to kiss her, but I definitely did not regret it.

Her arms snaked around my head, before she rested them behind my neck. She pulled me closer to her and I felt her smile against my lips.

We sadly eventually had to pull back. We locked eyes and beamed at each other. Gwen's eyes seemed to shimmer with glee and bliss and I could only imagine that mine looked the same. Her cheeks were coated with a scarlet blush and I could not help, but think that it made her appear even more adorable.

All of a sudden she turned away from me and hugged her knees to her chest as a frown made it's way to her face. I squinted my eyes in confusion. My mind became clouded with worry and fear.

"What's wrong?
Was the kiss bad?
I've never kissed anyone before. What if I messed up?
If the kiss wasn't good enough for her... then maybe I wasn't either."

"Did I do something wrong?" I croaked out, fixing my eyes to the floor in shame. Her head shot up and she slowly shook her head, refuting my assumptions. "Then what is it?"

She turned her gaze up to the dark night sky as she spoke in soft, calm voice, "Miles, what do we do now? I mean, I know have to go back to my dimension, but..."she rested her head on my shoulder, "I don't want to leave you."

I was silent for a moment as I thought of an answer. We were setting ourselves up to fail and we both knew it, but for as long as she was here I wanted to stick with her and that is exactly what I planned to do.

I held her chin with my thumb and index finger and turned her head to face me. "Gwen," I started, as a grin made its way onto my face, "I want to be by your side for as long as I can...until this amazing journey ends." My confidence began to fail as I nervously rubbed the back of my neck, "That is... if that's okay with you."

I had never seen her look so happy. Her smile was so bright it made the sun seem like a burnt out lightbulb. She turned to answer me, "Miles I-"

She was cut off as a strong glitch tore through her body. She let out a screech of pain as she toppled to the ground, curling herself into a ball. I rushed to her aid, yet I  could to nothing but watch as she clamped her eyes shut and writhed as the glitches lit her body up in various pastel colors. I witnessed her grit her teeth and whimper as tears fell from her eyes. The sight caused a couple of tears to slide down my face as well. I hated seeing her in pain.

When it finally subsided she was left trembling and panting for breath. I had never seen a glitch that bad. I placed a hand on her shoulder as I spoke frantically, "Hey, Hey, Gwen, is everything alright? Are you o-"

She quickly put and end to my panicked rambling. She grabbed both sides of my face and dragged my head down to her. Our lips crashed together and I tensed I surprise, but I quickly melted into it, kissing her back just as forcefully.

I rested on my elbows which were place on either side of her shoulders, supporting my weight as I hovered over her. I slowly lifted one hand and brought it to her face. I softly traced my thumb across her cheekbone and smiled against her lips as she shivered. We both desperately needed air, but I could not bring myself to pull back.

After we parted, both of us were left gasping for air, our chests rapidly rising and falling. "Are you... Are you okay?" I asked between each intake of breath.

She let out a breathy chuckle as she raised her head to peck me on the lips. "Of course I'm okay," she looked me straight in the eyes, her breathing returning to normal, "I'm with you."

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