Chapter 17: Help

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Gwen's POV

I watched curiously as Peter paced anxiously around the room, mumbling indistinctly to himself. He did not even seem to notice the questioning looks the others and I gave him. I saw May let out a sigh out of the corner of my vision. She sat on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hands.

"What's up with him?" Ham asked, gesturing to Peter.

"He's worried about Miles," May stated calmly. She set down the mug on the coffee table in front of us.

"How do you know?" Peni questioned. She sat on top of S//dr with her head in her hands. The brightness in her eyes made her look like a cute little child.

May turned to her and simply said, "Because I know Peter. He may not be the same Peter that Miles and I knew, but he's still Peter." She let out a breathless laugh and shook her head as Peter walked headfirst into the wall. He groaned and rubbed his forehead in annoyance.

"You okay, Peter?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He's been gone too long. We shouldn't have let him leave," he said worriedly, completely ignoring my question, which only made me slightly annoyed.

"I'm sure that, young Miles, is capable of taking care of himself," Noir said casually from the corner of the room, where he still stood, leaning up against the wall. He turned the rubix cube in his hand so that he could see it from a different angle.

"Oh please, you never thought he was capable of anything," I suddenly snapped at him. My eyes widened in shock the moment the words left my mouth.

I was never fond of being a part of arguments. I would usually try to stay out of any arguments as much as possible. I had tried to not become involved in this one- so what made me open my mouth? What was Miles doing to me?

"It is true though. They had basically deemed Miles incapable of taking care of himself ever since they met him."

I looked up to meet everybody's surprised expressions as they stared at me as if I had three heads. Both the lenses Ham and Noir's mask's eyes widened, May and Peter's lips parted slightly, Peni's eyes opened so wide that it looked as if they would pop out of her head, and the screen of Sp//dr's face plate changed to a couple of big, round circles.

I silently gulped and prepared an explanation when May came to my rescue. "I'm sure that Miles is just fine. He's been off on his own plenty of times before," she reasoned.

"Yeah, but not when there's a Spider-Man-murdering, fat guy trying to kill us," Peter exasperated, throwing his arms up in the air as he quickly returned to his panicking frenzy.

"Peter, calm down. Miles has my number. If he were really in trouble he would contact me," May assured as she delicately waved her phone to get Peter's attention.

Not a moment after she finished her last sentence. May's phone let out a short, high-pitched sound. The entire room fell silent. My breath caught in my throat as the others and I watched May with a worried anticipation. Her fingers trembled as she unlocked her phone to look at the message. As soon as she read it she let out a gasp. The others rushed to her while I stood frozen in place.

"Please be okay.
Please be okay.
Please be okay."

"W-what does it say?" I stuttered out.

May looked up from her phone. She looked terrified and her eyes were glossy with tears. Her voice trembled as she spoke, "H-he just said... 'Help'."

Miles's POV

I stood on the roof of an abandoned apartment building, surrounded completely by Scorpion, Hammerhead, Prowler, and Doc Oc. I had my hands balled into tight fists and my teeth clenched. Sweat dripped down my face, which made my mask stick to my face, as I let out ragged breaths, panting for air.

Doc Oc launched one of her tentacles at me. I jumped to avoid it and simultaneously landed an uppercut to her chin. She stumbled back and growled in pain.

I felt my spider-sense buzz and I moved my head just in time to dodge what would have been a strong punch from Hammerhead. He continued to throw punches at me while I dodged the attempts swiftly. With me focusing on him I didn't notice the flash of purple speed by me until five mechanical claws dug into my stomach. I screwed my eyes shut and let out a shriek of pain as prowler slashed his claws across my torso in one quick motion. I doubled over just as Scorpion swung his tail at me. It hit me in the temple and sent me flying off the roof. I felt the wind whip my back as I fell, preparing for the incoming brutal landing I would receive.

It finally came. I felt as well as heard the pavement crack on impact. Everything looked and felt hazy. I heard the sound screeching tires before I was sent flying through the air for the second time. I could have sworn a heard a young female voice holler my name in despair. For a moment my vision faded to black.

When my vision returned the first thing I saw was a black and purple mask. Prowler's claws extended from his metal gloves as he positioned them above my head. Pain surged through my entire body.

I closed my eyes in acceptance of what was to come. Mom and Dad will be devastated with me gone, so will May and Uncle Aaron. The rest of the spider-people will have no one to send them home. Peter would do it. He will stay here and die a slow, painful death. I had failed Peter again.

"I'm useless."

"I'm sorry it had to be like this kid," Prowler said actually sounding sympathetic, "You shoulda just stayed in school." My eyes shot wide open as I looked up to his masked face.

"It can't be."

I looked into the sharp eyes of his mask in fear. My voice came out quiet and hoarse as I managed to speak.

"Uncle Aaron?"

Spider verse: The TwistOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz