Chapter 25: The Gift

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Miles's POV

I woke up feeling drained. I felt tired and sluggish. My head pounding so hard I felt as if it might split in half. I groaned and tried to bring my hand up to rub my temples, but it would not budge. My eyes shot open as I tried to pull my hand back again, only to get the same result.

After taking a quick scan of my surroundings I realized that I was still in the spider-lair and I was lying on the couch. My gaze traveled up to my hand. It was fastened to the head of the couch with webbing.

That is when it all came back to me- Gwen, Peter, the collider- how Peter was going to give his life away. I immediately stood to my feet and began to furiously yank on my hand in attempt to free it.

"Come on! Come on!"

I gave my arms one more tug, before I finally gave up, realizing my struggle was pointless. "Stupid, Peter," I grumbled under my breath as I sat back down on the couch, placing my head in my free hand.

I could not believe this happened- that I let this happen. Peter was just going to throw his life away and I could do nothing to stop it. I felt tears prick my eyes, but I blinked them away.

"I'm not giving up this time."

I closed my eyes and focused. I felt electricity begin to build up inside of me. It traveled down my arm and centered in my palm. I looked down to my webbed hand and watched as the electricity leapt and danced around it. It made crackly, sizzling sounds as it arced across the webbing.

I clenched my fist tightly, causing the electricity to erupt outward, scorching the webbing to ashes on it's way.


I stood and started to make my way toward the exit. Just as I reached the elevator I was halted by a voice I knew all too well, "I figured you'd get out."

Startled, I snapped my head back to meet May's eyes. I attempted to stutter out a response, but I could not seem to form a sentence.

"How long had she been there?"

She placed the her finished cup of tea on the desk in front of her as she continued, "Peter B. told me to stop you from leaving y'know."

"I'm going, May," I stated resolutely, "I'm sorry, but I have to."

She shook her head as a breathless laugh escaped her mouth, "I knew you'd say that...You're just like him." She stood, grabbing a small box off of the desk in front of her, and brought it over to me. She place it in my hands as I shot her a bewildered glance. She smiled, "Peter made this for you. He was going to give it to you, but never got the chance."

I stared at the box, taking in its details as a small smile formed on my face. "Pete got this for me?" I asked as I gently traced the box's lines with my fingers.

"Well, open it," she encouraged.

I carefully lifted the lid of the box and gasped at the sight. Inside the box was a spider-suit, but not just any spider-suit. It was one that I had designed. I had drawn it in my sketchbook one of the days I had been training with Pete... and he made it into a suit! I was astonished.

I grinned up at May, "Thank you."

Peter's POV

The other Peters, Peni, Gwen, and I were riding the bus to Fisk's gala. We sat in a defending silence. All of us bore blank expressions on our faces and the air was so thick I was beginning to feel a bit claustrophobic. We all knew why it felt this way- Miles was not here. The only sound to be heard was the chatter of the passengers ahead of us, the screeching of the tires, and the rumbling and jostling of the bus as it hit potholes.

We were all dressed in our suits, which gained us a couple stares from other passengers, though they were mainly aimed toward Ham and Sp//dr.

I turned my attention over to Gwen. She sat across from me with her head resting against the window, her empty gaze facing the back of the seat in front of her. I really did feel bad for her. I knew she wanted to be able to spend more time with Miles before having to leave this dimension forever- as far as we know it. Sadly though it could not be helped.

I carefully stood and moved to the empty seat beside her. "Hey there, Kid," I spoke softly. She did not even flinch at the sound of my voice. "You okay?"

She released a sigh. Her eyes never once left their original spot as she spoke lowly, "Yeah... Yeah, I will be."

I placed a hand on her shoulder, "It'll be alright." She nodded her head absentmindedly and I did not doubt that she had not fully listened to a word I said.


Gwen's POV

I felt numb and cold, like a wilting flower being stripped of sunlight. In summary, I was feeling awful for what happened with Miles. I know that leaving him there was the right thing to do, but I could not help but long for him to be here. I really wished our goodbye could have been more than me lying to his face and tranquillizing him.

I was feeling multiple emotions all at once it was almost to much to comprehend. I felt guilt for how I had left things with Miles and sadness that I would not see him again. I felt anger towards myself for letting my guard down with him and frustration that I could not have figured out another solution.

The bus's tires squealed as it came to a halt. This was our stop. The other spiders and I stood from our seats and I sighed.

"Let's get this over with."

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