Chapter 16: Prowler

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Aaron's POV

I stood in the dim lighting of my apartment repeatedly landing blows on a punching bag located in the middle of my tiny living room.

I gave a swift jab to the bag. My boss will need me in top shape to get rid of those spider-people.

I threw another punch at it.

If I was being totally honest the truth is- I hate Fisk. I hate doing his dirty work and I hate how he will simply kill people in cold blood. I even hate the fact that he killed Spider-Man. He was so young... too young to die. The only reason I work for Fisk is because of the money. Without that money I wouldn't have this apartment. I wouldn't have food and worst of all... I wouldn't see my family.

I love my brother, Jeff and his wife, Rio, but my nephew, Miles- he means everything to me. I want him to have a big, strong uncle that he can always look up to and rely on.

I landed a jab, cross, and kick on the bag.

I want him to have an uncle he can always talk to about whatever is bothering him. Someone he can talk to about his parents when he argues with them, about girls he may have crushes on, or even about school and homework. All in all I want to always be there for Miles and I'll do whatever it takes to achieve that. I'll work for Fisk, I'll let him turn me into Prowler- a villain- I'll fight, I'll steal, and I'll even kill so I can make sure my family is safe; and the latest mission I've been given... is to kill the kid- the lackey of the Spider-Man that Fisk killed.

I hear a thump on the balcony and turned my head to see Miles standing on the there, scrambling to shove something into his hoodie pocket as quickly as possible. I raised an eyebrow, but shrugged it off as I went to grab a rag from off the counter to wipe the sweat off my forehead.

Miles slid the door open and stepped into the room. "Hey, Uncle Aaron," he greeted with his usual cheery smile.

"Hey Miles, what up," I replied as I leaned against the counter, "How's your new school been?" Immediately I saw his entire demeanor change. His shoulders slumped and his eyes darted to the floor. Something was obviously up. "That bad, huh?" I asked.

He still refused to look at me. He only stared at his feet with guilty expression on his face. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't push. I just waited for him to open up to me.

"I... haven't been going to school," he admitted in a whisper after a few moments of silence. I raised an eyebrow and I saw him shrink under my gaze.

"Do your parents know?" I asked calmly, but firmly at the same time.

I saw him gulp and shake his head. "No... No they don't know," he stated quietly

I shot him a stern glare. "Miles-" I started, but he cut me off.

"A friend of mine died recently," he told me in a somber voice. His eyes glazed with tears, but he refused to let them fall. My glare melted into a frown and my eyes softened.

I took a few steps toward Miles and pulled him into my chest. He instantly wrapped his arms around me as he continued to fight back his tears. "He was... He was the best," he whispered.

"I know. I know it's hard, man. I'm sorry," I soothed as I rubbed circles on his back. We stood there in the middle of the room for a while. He clung to me as he gazed silently at the lights of the bustling city outside the door.

Miles's POV

"Uncle Aaron?" I asked and he hummed in acknowledgment, "What would you do if there was something you had to do and the people you care about are counting on you to do it... but you don't know if you can do it- that you might let everyone down and they might get hurt because of you?"

He paused and tightened his hold on me, before answering, "Well, I would hope that would never happen, but I'd do anything for the people I love. Though knowing you, Miles, I'd say you can do anything you put your mind to. You're a lot stronger than you realize. I may not know exactly what you're going through right now, but I do know that you'll get through it and in the end you'll be even stronger."

I sighed and nodded against his chest. "Thanks," I said in a hushed voice. I heard a high pitched ding and Uncle Aaron broke the embrace with an apologetic smile on his face as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. As soon as he read the text I could see his eyes harden and his face steel.

He turned to me and stated simply, "Sorry I gotta go. My boss just texted."

I nodded my head and replied, "It's fine. I should probably head back home anyway." I made my way toward the exit. I slip open the door, but before I could shut it I heard Uncle Aaron call out to me. "Yo, Miles!" he hollered, "Stay in school." He gave me a grin and I couldn't help but return it. I shut the door and started to make my way down the street.

Once I was a couple blocks away from Uncle Aaron's apartment, I ducked into an alley and took my old Spider-Man mask out of my hoodie pocket and slipped in on my face. I then leapt up into the air, flexed my wrist, and let the web line lift me above the buildings of Brooklyn.

I loved the feeling of swinging above New York. I loved the feeling of the the wind against your masked face. It gives you this rush that I couldn't describe. I felt free- like I can just forget about all of my problems and responsibilities for a moment and just enjoy life. Now I know why Pete loved this job so much.


I can't ever forget him though, can I? It would not be right if I forgot him. If it weren't for me he would still be here, swinging alongside me. He would be doing what he loves most- helping people.

"He's not here though, because I couldn't save him... but I WILL send the others home... no matter what. I can't let them down too."

I was so delved into my thought that I didn't realize my spider-senses screaming at me to move until it was too late. I received a powerful blow to the back of my head, causing me to fall out of the sky and into the oncoming traffic below. My landing was so forceful I could both feel and hear the pavement crack beneath me. I could hear cars skidding to a stop as well as people screaming and running away. I staggered to my feet to face the villain who had struck me.

I came face to face with the Prowler. He was accompanied by Doc Oc, Scorpion, and Tombstone. Malicious grins were plastered on the faces of the three, while prowler just glared through his mask.

"Hey there, young man," Olivia greeted, but there was not an ounce of friendliness in her voice.

Tombstone cracked his knuckles and readied his fists. He snarled, "Who's ready to squash a spider?"

"This... is very bad."

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