Chapter 2: Friendly Neigborhood Spiderman

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Miles's POV

I walked along the sidewalk contemplating what was has been happening to me. My hands are sticking to EVERY SINGLE THING I touched. I bumped into someone cuz y'know... New York and my hands stuck to some little girl's hoodie. Her mom almost beat me up thinking I was tryin' to snatch her child.

"Maybe It's... puberty?" I thought to myself.

I walked into my favorite store store, which was titled 'Stan's Collectibles' hoping to find the newest Spider-Man comic. On cue my hand stuck to the doorknob. "Ugh! Stop sticking," I grumbled to myself. My hand came free of the knob and I fell backward into a bookshelf from the force, causing a Spider-Man comic to fall into my lap. I glanced down at the book only to see the exact same words I just said in the comic, 'Stop sticking'. I flipped through various pages to see occurrences similar to mine happening.

"But there are still some that hadn't. You're being crazy, Miles. Way crazier things happened to him... But what if- No I'll find the spider and prove it. Nothings wrong! It's just puberty!"

I rushed out of the store and down the street bumping into various people. I tried to call Uncle Aaron but his phone went straight to voicemail. Of all the times...

I didn't stop running until my head went ballistic. Every nerve in my body was telling me to... 'LOOK OUT!' As if on reflex I flipped over the oncoming car, landing in a crouching position. I was met with applause from all of the bystanders, though I didn't care at the moment.

I had to find that spider.


I walked through the tunnel with my flashlight in hand searching for the spider. I scanned the entire area until I found it. I crouched down and poked the spider with a pair of tweezers. "See, it's just a normal spider," I tried to assure myself, "It's... boring how normal this spider is-" I began before the spider started abruptly changing colors as it's mass shifted around, causing me to let out a small yelp.

I took a few steps back and stared at it in shock before that crazy tingle in my head came back, but this time it was different. It told me someone was there.

Spider-man's POV

I was crawling, attached to the ceiling of an old, abandoned tunnel, just below Fisk's lab, trying to find a hidden entrance, so I could get a layout of the super collider he had told me so much about. I jumped down to the floor after passing a small chained fence. I continued walking as I made my way into a large room filled with graffiti, but stoped when I heard a small yelp. I hid in the shadows as I tried to get spot the location of the source.

"It could be Scorpion, or Liv, or Prowler, or... oh it's just... some kid?"

"W-whose there?" he squeaked, frantically looking in every direction.

"How does he know I'm here?
You must be off  your game, Parker."

"Who are you?" he called again his voice deepening as he tried to sound intimidating.

I walked towards him smirking. "Why, it's your friendly, neighborhood, Spider-Man," I said smugly. "What are you doing down here kid? It's danger-" I stopped mid sentence when my spider-sense decided to go haywire. I stared at the boy in shock for a minute before as a realization struck me like a blow to the face. It left me completely awestruck, "I thought I was the only one. You're like me." I leaned in to get a closer look at him. Was I really not alone? Could someone else really understand?

"I don't wanna be," He replied breathlessly.


I presented him with a slight smile from beneath my mask, "I don't think you have choice kiddo. Got a lot going though your head. I'm sure."


"You're gonna be fine. Come with me," I offered as I extended my hand for him to grab. Once he did I wrapped an arm around him and swung my way back to my aunt, May's house.

Miles's POV

We finally stopped as we landed on a roof in what looked like... Queens? "Is... is this your house?" I asked.

"Uh... Well no, it's my... aunt's house," he said as he led me to an old shed. Wait! An OLD SHED?! Okay this is getting really creepy.

"But, he's a super hero. He wouldn't hurt me... Right?"

He was obviously able to read my facial expression so he reached out and put a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be fine. Just watch," he said reassuringly. He turned the key and a spider symbol appeared on the door. The door opened and he stepped in and gestured for me to follow. I did so and as soon as I did the floor started to sink. I looked around to see a jet, motorcycle, and even a buggy, all decked out in the the classic, red and blue Spider-Man theme.

This was literally my dream. Please never wake me up.

"Awesome," I said breathlessly causing him to chuckle. When the elevator reached the bottom we stepped off to meet an old lady, who was hunched over a small desk reading a book.

"Hey, Aunt May!" he hollered, grabbing her attention.

"Peter! What have I told you about yelling indoor- Wait, who's this... and why did you bring him down here?" She asked skeptically as she stared me down. It was honestly a bit intimidating.

"Oh he's... he's uh..." Spider-Man stammered.

"Seriously, you didn't even ask his name?" She said as she gave him a stern glare, causing him to wince.

"It's Miles," I said grabbing both of their attentions', "Miles Morales."

"Nice to meet you, Miles," the old lady responded sweetly before turning her gaze back to Spider-Man. "So what's going on?" she asked.

"Well Miles here, is like me, a spider-person" he said earnings a gasp from her. I just looked down and shuffled my feet.

"Can we trust him? I'm assuming you just met him since you didn't even bother to learn his name," she asked with the slightest bit of annoyance in her voice.

"You can, Ma'am." I said politely, causing her to smile warmly and give Spider-Man a nod, which he returned.

"Well, Miles," he started as he turned to me and removed his mask revealing his shiny blond hair and deep blue eyes.

"My name is Peter Parker."

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