Chapter 13: Beat into Shape

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Miles's POV

"So... you're all from different dimensions too?" Peter B. asked as he scratched the back of his head in confusion.

"Yup!" the little anime girl exclaimed as she rocked back and forth on her heels with her hands laced together behind her back.

"And in my opinion it's way to bright 'round these parts," the guy in the trench coat grumbled as he twirled a pistol on his finger.

May and the other spiders continued conversing as I withdrew myself to the back corner of the room. I couldn't handle being around them. They all reminded me of Peter.

"Peter Parker, Peter B. Parker, Peni Parker, Peter Porker; I can't do this. It's like Peter's death is being constantly shoved in my face."

"Hey, Miles!" Peter B. called, knocking me from my thoughts. I looked up to see that everyone had been watching me.

"Um, Yeah?" I replied curiously.

"We were just discussing our plan to get all of us back to our homes," Peni stated. This caught my attention.

"And what's the plan?" I asked instantly.

Peter sighed, "Peni can create another goober-"

"Override key," she interrupted.

"Yeah, Yeah," he waved her off, "She can make one with the information from the computer we took from Alchamex, but the thing is..."

"One of us will have to stay behind to destroy it." Ham continued, pounding his fist into his open hand for emphasis.

"And I'm going to be the one to stay," Peter finished with a calm look on his face. I felt a bit of panic surge through me.

"But Peter, you can't stay here," I tried to reason.

"Miles It's fine. I'm-"

He was interrupted by another glitch shooting through him. It didn't take long for the others to follow suit. It seemed to be more powerful and painful than the others that I've seen Peter receive. They all fell to the ground yelling and groaning in pain as their bodies were racked with wave after wave of colorful glitches.

Eventually it stopped and all the spiders lay on the ground in shock. I noticed Gwen clutching her side and wincing. I wished I could take some of their pain.

Peter B. got up slowly, hunching over a bit as he did so. "I'm doing what needs to be done," he said quietly.

"Peter is gonna die if he does this . I can't watch him die... not again."

"No." I whispered to myself, but everyone in the room besides May had heightened senses so there heads all jerked toward me.

"What?" Peter questioned in bewilderment.

"No," I replied again firmly, "Peter you're not going to stay. You'll die... I'm the one that's gonna shut it off."

Peter gazed at me for what felt like hours, but I didn't back down. After a few tense moments of us glaring into each other's eyes his shoulders relaxed as he let out a sigh, "Fine." I gave a small smile.

"How can we be sure the little fella's got what it takes?" the trench coat Peter inquired.

"Look, I've seen him in action. He's got potential," Gwen replied. I gave her a wide smile and I saw her look away from me as I did.

"Miles had been working with Peter since he got his powers," May added.

"He's got even more powers then we do," Peter stated causing everyone to look at me with wide eyes, "He can turn invisible and also shoot electricity from his hands."

I shrank a bit under everybody's gazes. "I-I don't really know how I did it. I can't control it," I told them a little shamefully. I watched as the others exchanged looks, some confused, some distrustful.

"All right, Miles. Let's see what you got," Ham said as he crouched into a fighting stance.

I looked at him in confusion. "What? No, I don't wanna-" I was interrupted by ham jumping up and whacking me on the head with a hammer. I staggered back a few steps, rubbing my head. "What was that for?" I grumbled.

"Surprise attack!" Trench coat Peter suddenly yelled. I didn't have time to react before he kicked my feet from underneath me, causing me to fall flat on my back.

Gwen pulled me to my feet. "You'll need to always be on guard."

"You'll also need to think smart," Peni chimed in, pointing to her head for illustration.

"And also how to float threw the air when you smell a delicious pie," Ham continued.

"Wait, what?" I questioned.

"And most of all. You'll need to always get back up," Gwen stated.

"Surprise attack!" Peter Noir yelled again, landing a swift blow to my face. I stumbled back a little, trying to regain my balance. Next thing I knew I was being knocked around the room by Peni, Ham, and Peter Noir, all while they yelled at me to get up.

I was overwhelmed. So much to the point where I couldn't tell who's voice belonged to who. Peni knocked me to the ground again. All I could hear was,

"Come on Miles!"
"Get up, Kid!"
"You can do this!"

"Guys! Guys! Take it easy!" I heard Peter call out.

Still they they continued. I was pulled to my feet and knocked down again and again. I soon felt a searing heat flow through my body. It felt strange, but familiar. It flowed through my body and seemed to pool into my hands.

Gwen's POV

I stood off in the corner by Peter and May, watching as they repeatedly shoved Miles to the ground. I saw May wince each time and Peter look on with a slightly worried expression. I knew they weren't going to actually hurt him, but he looked tired.

"Come on, Miles. Kingpin won't show you mercy." Ham said.

Then something unexpected happed. A surge of electricity ejected from Miles's body knocking the three back at least a couple yards. Shocked expressions covered their faces. Miles shot them a glare, his body still glowing with electricity, before he turned away from us and vanished.

Peni and Ham gasped- well Ham snorted- and Noir looked around the room curiously. All of our heads jerked up when we heard the sound of the elevator rising.

"Told you," Peter said lowly with a sigh once the elevator reached the top, "Someone's gotta talk to him."

I looked up toward the ceiling where the elevator had taken Miles.

"I'll talk to him."

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