Chapter 8: Collider (part 1)

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Miles's POV

"Well then, nice to meet you, Gwanda," I said as I ran a hand through my hair, nervously.

"Yeah, same here," she replied as she gave a small tight-lipped smile. I opened my mouth to say something before my phone chimed. I took it out of my pocket and checked the the screen.

Miles, I need you to meet me in the abandoned tunnel. Kingpin could start the collider at any time now.

I looked at the message, disappointed that I couldn't keep talking to the pretty girl in front of me. I turned to her and made up an excuse.

"I gotta go. My mom wants me home for uh... dinner." I lied. "Nice meeting you," I finished before bolting out the front door, probably leaving her standing there confused.

I sprinted down the street trying to get to me and Pete's meeting place below the lab when my spider-sense went off alerting me to the fact that I was being followed. I stopped running and surveyed my surroundings. When I saw no one I began to get nervous. After turning into an alley I put on my borrowed mask and web-shooters. I ran up the wall of the alley and started to swing towards our rendezvous point. After few minutes of swinging the tingle came back.

"What?! How am I still being followed?!"

I dropped from the sky onto a building and did a roll to regain my balance. I scanned the surrounding area when I saw some swift movement. I shot a web at the blur and yanked it toward me. A small, white figure came flying towards me and I grabbed their wrists pinning them to the floor.

I stared at the person for a moment. The eyes of her mask were enlarged in shock. She wore what resembled one of Peter's suits, but it was white and black with a hood on the back. I was beyond confused at this point. "Who are you?" I asked firmly.

Before I could get another word out she kicked me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me, and making me stumble back a couple feet. She stood and tried to run off, but I shot a web at her arm and spun her back around. "Leaving so soon?" I asked in fake hurt voice as I take few steps toward her. "Now, why were you following me?" I continued, the eyes of my mask narrowing into a glare. I raised my fist above her and she squirmed.

Just then my spider-sense hit me full blast. I grabbed my head and tried not fall from the dizziness it caused. I turned toward the girl who I found staring at me. I couldn't see her expression through her mask, but I felt like it was one of concern.

"Y-you're like me," I stuttered in shock as I shot my gaze toward the ground, trying to process what was happening. "How?" I asked as looked back up, but found no one. The white and black-suited heroine had vanished without a trace.

"What just happened?
I thought me and Peter were the only spider-people around. I just recently got powers and now this girl shows up. Is there some sort of spider-disease going around? I gotta ask Pete."

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an alert on my phone.

Where are you?

Be there in 2 mins


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