Chapter 12: Visitors

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Gwen's POV

We took a bus back to Queens while Miles and I talked and laughed the entire ride. It felt good to talk with someone. It felt good to finally laugh with someone. I haven't felt so relaxed and comfortable with anyone since my best friend, Peter Parker died.

"Wait, so... you actually fell off a building?" I asked in between laughs.

"Yeah," he chuckled, "I tripped on my shoelaces at the edge... and yeah. I fell and landed on the hood of the car."

"Ouch, that must have hurt," I replied as I winced, imagining what that would feel like.

"Yeah, It did." He replied. We descended into a comfortable silence for a few moments until he decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry about your friend," he stated softly, making me present a small smile.

"Thanks Miles," I replied as I turned to look out the window.

I heard him speak again, "If you ever decide to do friends again... I could always open up a slot."

I was inwardly beaming and wanted to accept, but I knew I could not do friends again. Not after what happened to Peter. Yes, it had been two years and I had come to accept what happened, but I just couldn't bring myself to care about someone again just for them to get hurt. I just gave him a simple, "I'll... keep you posted." He nodded in response and we descended into another silence.

"So, did you know the Spider-man that was on the news?" I questioned a bit nervous of his reaction and I heard Peter— the lazy oaf, shift uncomfortably as he laid in the seats behind us.

I saw fear and panic flash across Miles' face before his eyes steeled and he abruptly looked away from me. He took a deep breath before he croaked out to me in a hushed voice, "Yeah, Pete...," he pause on the word as if he wasn't allowed to say it his name and I felt my heart clench at the pained expression on his face, "Peter was was kinda like my mentor... He taught me how to control my powers and let me go with him on missions."

"Is... that the reason you left Visions in such a rush?" I asked.

"I... Yeah," is all he said. He did not elaborate further and I got the feeling he didn't want to, so I wasn't going to push him.

"Guys, we're here," Peter stated calmly as he stood as stretched.

We all exited the bus at the stop and I didn't miss the concerned glance Peter shot to Miles. We walked in a tense silence down the street. Miles walked with his head down and his hands in his pockets.

Miles's POV

I hated talking about Pete. All I felt when thinking about him was sorrow and a lot of guilt. I hated feeling this way, but I know I deserve it. It was all my fault.

We finally reached May's house after ten minutes of walking in silence. I walked up to the door and gave three solid knocks. After waiting for about 30 seconds May opened the door and graced us with a warm smile.

"Welcome back Miles, Peter, and... who's this?" she asked as she looked at Gwen.

"Gwen Stacy, Ma'am," Gwen replied.

"Oh, so you're like them right? A spider." May asked as she crossed her arms with a smile on her face.

"Yes, Ma'am," Gwen answered.

"Well, come in... and Gwen you can just call me May." May said as she led us down out the back door at to the shed.

I saw Gwen give a confused look as to why we we heading to a shed. I just nudged her shoulder a told her, "Don't worry. You'll see." May took out the key and unlocked the door. The door glowed a bright red as it opened and we stepped inside.

I heard Gwen off to my right whisper to herself, "Nice," and I just chuckled. We rode the elevator down to the spider-lair and what I saw down there took my breath away.

There was a man dressed in a all black Spider-Man suit, a trench coat, cap, and googles. He had this weird old fashioned vibe emanating from him. A wind blew his trench coat, causing it to flow like a cape. "Name's Peter Parker," he stated in a monotone voice.

A young girl, probably about my age, skipped up to us. She has dark hair and wore what appeared to be a school uniform. She looked like a character out of an anime show. "Kon'nichiwa," she greeted as she presented us with a wide smile and waved enthusiastically, "My name is Peni Parker."

Finally a pig— yes, a pig— not the Peter B. kind of pig, I mean an actual, literal pig- strutted up to us and held an extremely drenched hand out to me. "Hiyah folks. Peter Porker's the name, fighting baddies is the game."

My spider-sense went crazy, much like the time I had met Gwen on the rooftop. It was telling me one thing, "They're like me."

"I forgot to tell you," May started, "We have some visitors."

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