Chapter 10: Uh Peter?

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Miles's POV

*The next day*

I woke up early that morning and begrudgingly made my way to the cemetery. It was still dark out and the streets, for the first time I had ever seen, were empty. It felt almost poetic, liken to how very soul felt at that moment.

I could see Peter's grave easily in the snow covered ground, thanks to the plethora of red and blue spider themed gifts he had received. I looked down at the headstone as the guilt weighed down on me.

I felt dead, lifeless. I felt as if all the joy and light had been sucked out of everything. It seemed as if the whole world was just a dull shade of grey. It was as if Pete took all of the color with him, along with my happiness... And where did he take it? He took it six feet under the ground. He's buried six feet under in New York's cemetery and I couldn't do anything to prevented it.

"Alright, I trust you... Spider-Man,"
I shuddered at the painful memory.

"He did. He trusted me. and I let him down. This is my fault."

"I'm so sorry, Pete." I shook as I stared at his name on the headstone. A lone tear rolled down my cheek.

"I couldn't save him.
I'm weak, pathetic."

At that moment a hand brushed against my shoulder. "Hey kid-" before the stranger could finish his sentence electricity crept up my hand and surged into him causing him to fly backwards landing in a heap of snow.

How did I just- wait he's not moving!
Oh crap!
Please don't be dead!
Please don't be dead!

I rushed over to the body only to stop dead in my tracks. "Uh... Peter?" I questioned in bewilderment. I was in total shock. I slowly reached for his jacket and moved it back, causing to see the spider emblem on his chest. I looked at his bruised face and light brown hair.


Peter B's POV

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes to find my self in what seemed to be a Spider-Man themed basement. I blinked a few times to assure myself, but I definitely saw a red and blue colored car and even a plane with my logo on it.

I sat up on the surprisingly comfortable couch I had been sleeping on, rubbing my temples, trying to soothe the slight headache I had gained as a result of sitting up so quickly.

"Great, first I get sucked into a wormhole, then some crazy kid electrocutes me with his hands or something, and finally to top it all off I wake up in some weirdo's basement. This is definitely on the list of 'Spidey's Least Favorite Days'," I ranted to myself as I flung my arms around in exasperation.

"So, you are, Peter," quiet voice said, causing me to snap my head in it's direction. I studied the young, dark skinned boy in front of me. He wore a red hoodie, red and white Air Jordan 1's, and had curly, black hair. His chocolate colored eyes seemed to be glazed over and filled with grief and guilt as he studied me in return. "From an alternate dimension," he councurred.

"I am Peter—Peter B. Parker. Who are you?" I asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow.

He gave me a weak, but hopeful smile, "Miles... uhhh, Miles G. Morales." I eyed the kid up and down, deciding whether to trust him or not, but my spider-sense decided for me, blaring like an alarm in my head.

"Huh. You're like me," I said in bewilderment. There was an awkward silence for a moment. I didn't really know what to say so I let out a loud cough into my hand.

"So, umm... how did you get here?" the kid asked nervously.

I grumbled in slight annoyance, "Like a said before, some wormhole or portal or somethin' sucked me into it and spit me out here."

He put a hand on his chin nodded his head. "So you must have come through the collider."

My head perked up at his words. "So you know how to get me back?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He looked down nervously and shuffled his feet.

"Well, me and Pete... Peter were there when the collider was activated. We had an override key, but lost it in the fight and I... don't know how to make another one," he mumbled.

I groaned, "Ugh, teenagers are useless." Miles wore a sad and ashamed expression. We stayed in silence for a minute before a familiar female voice spoke up.

"Alchamex," she said simply. I looked up to the source of the voice and my jaw dropped.

"What do you mean, 'Alchamex'," Miles inquired with a confused expression evident on his face.

"It's where Peter stole the data on the collider. You'll need to break in and re-steal that same data and bring it back here. Then you'll be able to make another goober so you can get him home then finally shut the collider down."

She finally turned to look at me. I stood from the couch and gulped nervously. Her eyes became saddened as a small smile found it's way to her face. "Hi, Peter," she said in a low whisper.

"Hey, Aunt May" I replied, matching her tone. She slowly walked over to me and embraced me in a bone-crushing hug. I returned the hug as I felt her cry silent tears into my shirt.

After a minute or two she released me and wiped her tears. "I know you're not my Peter but... it's just so good to see that face," she said with a warm smile which I returned.

"It's good to see you t-" I was interrupted by a scorching pain going through my body. I immediately fell to the ground clutched my sides. May knelt down beside me. It was just like how I felt when I was first brought here. I'm not sure what it is but I do know that it is one of the worst pains I have ever felt and that's saying something.

The pain finally came to an end and I saw Miles kneel down next to May, who was already by my side. "I-Is he okay?" He stuttered nervously.

"Was that a serious question?"

"Yeah, but I don't think my atoms are real jazzed about being in the wrong dimension," I responded, lightly aggravated.

"Well, I guess we'll need to get to Alchamex fast," he said as he stood. I immediately sat upright and glared at him intensely.

"Oh no, you're not coming," I said firmly.

"What?! Why?!," he wined like a little kid who had just been told he could not have the toy he wanted.

"Because, I work alone and I don't feel like babysitting," I grumbled, my eyes narrowing.

"Babysitting?!" he repeated, clearly insulted, "I'm fourteen, gonna be fifteen... on my next birthday."

He looked down at the floor in embarrassment as I rolled my eyes. I stood up with a deadpan expression. "Well, happy birthday," I exclaimed sarcastically.

"Peter, let him come with you," May said sternly as she crossed her arms over her chest. I looked up and stared into her unwavering eyes before turning away and pouting. "Yes, Ma'am," I reluctantly replied.

Spider verse: The Twistजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें