Chapter 22: The Rooftop

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Peter's POV

"Poor kids."

I had been listening to everything Miles and Gwen said... and I mean that in a totally non-creepy way.

They were so young and were about to experience heartbreak and they had know idea. They both knew that Gwen had to leave. They had just met each other, but I knew from that moment on the bus ride from Alchamex that there was a spark between them. The way Miles looks at her is the same way I used to look at my ex, Mary Jane when we were younger. If they were normal- if any of us spider-people were normal- maybe things would be different. The burden of these powers was too much to carry sometimes.

I took notice of how they both refused to make eye contact. There was a dense, awkward air between the two of them. They would both cast glances at each other and look away abruptly.

"This is almost painful to watch. I gotta do something."

Peni's POV

"Why were Miles and Gwen not talking to each other?"

They had not stopped talking for as long as I had known them. Plus anybody with eyes could tell that they liked each other. Something must have happened. Gwen was not usually like this. Miles was one of the most awkward people I had ever met, so his behavior did not really concern me as much as Gwen's did.

She stood in the corner of the room with her phone in her hands. I could tell she was not actually doing anything on it and was just using it as an excuse not to look anyone in the eyes. Though she hid the nervousness from her facial features well, she could not rid the panic from her eyes.

I gave Sp//dr a pat on the head and told it I would be back soon, then I slowly made my way over the Gwen and stopped about a foot away from her. "Hey Gwen, you okay?" I asked softy.

Her eyes never left her phone as she responded, "Just peachy, what's up?"

I let out a sigh, "You just seem off, you and Miles both." I noticed how she visibly tensed up at the mention of Miles. "So something did happen between you too. Mind letting me in?" She finally lowered her phone. She had to look down to meet my eyes.

"Sometimes I hate how short I am."

She sighed, placing her hands on her hips, "Nothing happened."

I let out a huff of disbelief and crossed my arms over my chest, "If nothing happened you wouldn't be acting like this."

A small amount of surprise masked her face. She opened her mouth to speak and then closed it again, clearly deciding against replying to me. She just shook her head dismissively and lifted her phone back up to her face.

I narrowed my eyes at her in annoyance. I took another step closer to her and stood on my tippy toes so that I was eye level with her, forcing her to meet my gaze. "I know you like Miles," I revealed, causing her crystal blue eyes to widen.

She quickly took a few steps back from me. She glared at me and opened her mouth with a rebuttal prepared, but I cut her off before she could get a word out, "Don't even try it, Gwen."

She glanced away from me biting her lip as a faint blush lined her cheeks. After turning back to me, she leaned in like she was going to tell me something confidential, "How did you know?"

I copied her movements and whispered back jokingly, "Because I'm not blind." Her cheeks darkened into a light red as she let out a huff of distaste. She was visibly annoyed that I had figured it out so easily. My face broke into a smirk.

She leaned back against the wall behind her and crossed her arms. Her brows furrowed in annoyance. "Well, what do you expect me to do about it?"

I gave her look that said that the answer was the most obvious thing in the world, "Tell him."

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