Chapter 26: My MJ

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Peter's POV

"Alright, does everyone remember the plan?" I asked the spider-team as we stood on the roof of Fisk's place. They all spoke words of agreement as they pulled their masks into place.

I let out a sigh as I fixed my own mask onto my face. We crouched down and crawled along the side of the building, toward a large window. Once we had surrounded the window from all vantage points Noir placed his gloved hand on the glass. He used his sticky fingers to carefully remove the panel of glass from the window frame. Gwen cast me a brief glance before leaping through the opening. Peni, who was inside Sp//dr, followed soon after, with Ham right behind her. I hopped in as well and found myself in a small dark room. It must have been a lab that they were not currently using. I watched as Noir crawled through after and carefully put the glass panel back in it's place behind him.

"Peni, how far are we from the lab?" I inquired as I turned my head toward the Sp//dr mech.

She looked down as she pressed various buttons on the screen inside the robot, before looking back up at me. "Once we leave this room there should be an elevator on the other side of the hall. It will take us down to the collider." I nodded in response.

After leaving the room we made our way down the hall. We passed by the main dining hall, but were luckily indistinguishable among all of the Spider-Man themed waiters that littered the room. I glanced at the main dining hall and my breath was taken away. It was huge- no enormous. I honestly believe that you could fit a herd of elephants in here and still have room for the guests. Every table was covered in a white silk cloth and above each of them was a golden chandelier with crystals draped over the sides of them. Beside each table was a waiter dressed in a red and blue Spider-Man suit, with a bow tie tied around there neck. The men were dressed in clearly expensive suits and ties, while the women wore extravagant gowns.

Though these things weren't what caught my attention. My eyes were focused in one direction- at one table- at one person. Her red hair framed her face perfectly and her dress was absolutely stunning. Her blue eyes were just as captivating as I remember. She was beautiful. "MJ," I breathed out silently.

"She here... She's actually here!"

I found my feet rooted in place. I didn't dare move or take my eyes of her. I felt that if I did I would never see her again. I didn't care about how stupid I must have looked. At that moment she was all that mattered.

"Peter... Peter!" Gwen whisper-shouted as she forcefully turned me around to face her. "Peter, we have to go... She's not your MJ."

"I know that. I do. She's not my MJ. I'm never going to see my MJ again. I'll never get to apologize to her and I have to accept that. I waited to long and now it's too late to fix my mess."

"I know... I know," I spoke dolefully. She placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to her masked eyes, feeling comforted that she knew exactly how I felt at this moment.

Not a second later, the lenses of her mask widened and I squinted at her in confusion. Then my own eyes widened at the sound of a familiar voice, "Excuse me," it called I whipped my head around to meet the sea blue eyes of the red head that I loved.

"Um... I uhh... hey." I spoke as if I was caught in an trance. I felt the eyes of all the other spiders burn a hole into my back, nagging me to not give anything away.

"Hey..." she replied as she raised an eyebrow and gave me a weird look. I mentally slapped myself for acting so stupid. "I was just wondering if we could have some more bread at table twelve?"

"Yeah," I replied sounding like I was out of breath. I gazed at her for a minute before speaking again, "So you're Mary Jane..."

"Parker. Yes," she finished and I felt my heart flutter at hearing that, even though she was not my MJ. This wasn't my ex-wife, but seeing her still made me smile. She gave me the same elated yet queasy feeling that I got from the MJ back in my dimension.

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