Kara walked through the facility until she found Iris, standing with J'onn at the round table. Along with them was Mon-El, Imra and Winn. "You have news about Reign?" Kara asked.

"Yeah," Iris softly said as she, Kara and J'onn walked over to Winn.

"Coville told you he met a dying priestess who escaped from Fort Rozz. She told him everything about Reign," J'onn said.

"Well, we combed the manifests of Fort Rozz and found there are exactly two priestesses on board," Winn said before he pulled up the priestesses information on the screen. "One being-"

"Jindah Kol Rozz," Kara cut in, caught off guard from the picture she saw. "Fort Rozz was named after her."

"Yep, and in the manifest, she actually has the exact same glyph as Reign," Winn informed.

"Do we know where she is?" Mon spoke up.

"We believe that in all the time Fort Rozz was marooned here on Earth, she never got out," J'onn said, looking back at Mon and his wife.

"Uh, there's a small problem," Kara spoke up, looking back at Mon as well. "I kinda threw Fort Rozz into space, remember?"

"That's what we thought. Remember that, big girl power moment by the way, but we, and by we, I mean Winn, found it," Iris added as they looked back at the screens.

"It's orbiting a little star called AZ336XB12," Winn told Kara and everyone else.

"Sorry," Imra muttered and they looked back at her again. "Did you say AZ336XB12?"

"Problem?" J'onn asked.

"Yeah, that's a blue star," Mon informed everyone and Kara tensed up.

"I won't have my powers there. There's no yellow sun," she said.

"Blue stars also emit omicron radiation which means it's fatal for any life-form with a Y chromosome," Imra added.

"It's poisonous to men?" J'onn asked and Imra nodded.

"Well, I guess I have to go alone," Kara said.

"Absolutely not," J'onn argued. "I will not allow you to go up there by yourself. Not without your powers."

"Me neither," Imra spoke up and Iris gave her an odd look. "I'll go with you."

"No, I would not ask you to do that," Kara said.

"You're not asking, I'm offering," Imra said.

"Yeah," Iris said, glancing back at Kara. "I'm going with you, too."

"No," Kara said.
"No, you're not," Mon said.

Iris then looked back at Mon, and eyed him. "Last time I checked, I wasn't asking for permission," she said before looking back at Kara. "I'm not leaving you alone. Not now, not ever."

Then J'onn stepped in, standing next to Iris while looking at Kara. "Kara, we found some touch escapees on Earth. What's left on that fort are the worst of the worst. You three can't handle this on your own."

"Yeah...maybe you're right," Kara softly said, thinking of the perfect person to recruit. "Maybe we will need some help."

Chiroy's Diner

A bell dinged, and food was ready. A waitress in a pint uniform walked past an aisle with complaining customers, but she didn't care.

"Can I get a warm-up?"

"Uh, my toast is wet."

"You ready yet?" The waitress asked, standing before a man behind the counter.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now