We sit down on the towels we brought and lean back on your arms. I'm wearing a black crop top with white biker shorts. To be comfortable, I put on some Nike sneakers and a hoodie over my body. It's smoldering hot so I put my hair up.

Mikasa has jean shorts on with a red tank top that outlines her tits and hangs so tightly on her waist. Sasha has her hair in pigtails to go along with her bike shorts and sweatshirt.

The band on stage gets off and then the small break starts before the next band comes on stage. Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Ray starts on the speakers and the crowd sings along with their phones in hand with the flash on.

"When's Armin's band playing?" I turn towards the both of them. Sasha is between Mikasa's thighs, leaned up on her chest. Mikasa has her arms around Sasha's waist.

My eyes widen and I turn back without looking at them when Sasha responds. "I think after the next one?"

I nod and look for our lunch box we brought with us. It had snacks and drinks in there for us. I find it and unzip it, finding no water and just beer. Groaning, I stand up.

"I'm gonna go get some water," I say while pulling out a few dollars out of my purse. They nod and go back to doing whatever they were doing.

Taking a deep breath, I go on the outskirts of the crowd towards one of the food trucks. Obviously, they'd have water. I hope.

I stop at the first truck and wait for the person managing the truck to come out. In a few seconds, the window slides out and I fist the money in hand. He's a redhead with a shitty haircut with a smile that says, "I get more bitches than you."

In other words, a douche looking guy.

"Can I get some water?"

He snickers and shakes his head. "I don't know. Can you?"

I close my eyes and roll them. The fist I have around my money gets tighter and my palms become hot. When I open my eyes his grin becomes shit-eating and he's leaning against the counter in front of the window.

"Can you just get me a fucking water?" I grit through my clenched teeth. I slam the money on the counter and leave my hand there.

"Yeahhh, one water coming up." He movies extremely slowly like he's in slow motion. He reaches down to a mini fridge and stays there for a good ten seconds. Then, it takes him another ten seconds to get up to the counter.

He pauses and smile at me. "We are out of water. We have beer though."

I open my mouth but a hand slapping the counter from my direction startles me.

"Floch, give her a fucking water bottle. I just saw you give out some before she asked for one," the sudden voice speaks. A piercing, serious voice.

I'm too stunned to turn around, so I look at the redhead, known as Floch, to not seem awkward. Floch's face is just as stunned as mine. His adam's apple bobs in his throat with nerve.

"My bad, Jean." Floch gulps and leans down and grabs a water bottle, sliding it over towards me.

"And don't make her pay, dumbass."

Floch nods again and scoots the money to me. He disappears back into the truck so I can't see him anymore. After all of this, I don't even want my water anymore.

I take the water and put the money in my pocket. Turning around, I almost shriek. I expected whoever it was to leave, but NO, there is someone very much there.

He stands taller than me by a good amount, and that says a lot. This is going to sound really odd, but he has a mullet. And it's HOT!

It's slicked back and under a beanie. Yes, a beanie in 95 degree weather. And what baffles me more is that he's wearing jeans too—and an Snoop Dog tee shirt that hands loosely on his body.

He's leaning against the food truck and rubbing the stubble on his chin.

Now I'm the one with a lump in my throat. "Thanks for that, by the way."

I remember that Floch called him Jean. Jean leans off the truck and grind. But it's not shit eating this, but somehow cocky?

"No problem. He always acts like that towards pretty girls," Jean winks at me and shoves a hand in his pocket.

"You don't happen to be the Jean that's in the band—" I start.

His nodding cuts me off and my eyes get wide again. I'm talking to a kind-of celebrity! I decide to play to cool and simply nod. Nice and simple. Cool as a cucumber.

Jean lifts an eyebrow at me, "You don't seem shocked?"

I scoff intentionally. "Not everyone is going to freak out when meeting someone 'famous.'"

"I'm not that famous," he shrugs lightly.

"But you still admit that you're famous," I smile. We stare at each other in silence before laughing together. It starts off as a little smile into cackling.

We calm down, although my heart still faces, and Jean rubs the back of his neck. "Did you come here with someone?"

I pause and chew on my lip. Technically, I didn't. But I am here with people. But then again, when I left, Mika and Sasha were all over each other. I don't want to go back and ruin the mood. They're probably making out for all I know.

Lately, they've been getting close. Dare I say that they're seeing each other? I'm totally supportive, but I'm kind of upset if they didn't feel like they couldn't tell me. They were all out PDA.

I shake my head no. "No. I'm not here with anyone either." Lie lie lie. Guilt floods inside of me and I frown to myself.

"You shouldn't be alone out here. Loads of people get kidnapped at events like this," Jean gestures for me to follow him as he starts walking.

I'm hesitant at first, but I give in. I follow him in suite through the crowd and to the very front. People try talking to Jean and brush up against our bodies. Jean ignores everyone and makes sure that I'm still following with him.

"I'm playing in like two minutes. Stay right here," he gazes around us and sees Armin peeking his head out and telling him to hurry up. "I might even throw you my shirt," he winks and jogs behind the stage.

I pull my phone out and message both Mika and Sasha telling them where I am and not to worry about me. I don't expect a response any time soon, so I just wait it out with the crowd and wave my hands in sync with them.

Just waiting for the performance to begin.

i didn't want to make this chapter super long so i'm dividing it into two parts 😭


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