rogues [spiderwitch, single irondad]

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what should we tell him?

wanda <3
it's up to you pete
he's your dad

you're right
as always
im happy to tell him if you are?

wanda <3
more than happy

we should probably get some rest
big day tomorrow
love you ❤️

wanda <3
love you pete ❤️
see you tomorrow

i place my phone on my bedside table carefully. its been roughly three years since the sokovia accords. wanda and i got close about a year before the accords happened but we finally started dating a few months after the airport battle. sure, the fight set us back a bit but we figured it out. we occasionally sneak out and meet up whenever we get the chance but thats not a lot since my dads been super protective ever since steve betrayed him.

ive spent a lot of time with the rogues since im dating wanda. personally, i've forgiven steve and with bucky, there was nothing to forgive. im close with them and im excited to be able to see them more. especially wanda.

tomorrow, the rogues come back to the tower. im excited but my family (team ironman) doesnt know that im close with the rogues or that im dating wanda. im planning on telling him soon. i miss my girlfriend.

i slowly close my eyes but then realise i should let the others know that my dad doesnt know that i know them.

le rebels >:(

hey guys :)
im excited to see you tomorrow!
but btw my dad doesnt know so dont act like were close
can you keep it quiet? ill tell him soon

kay pete

of course маленький паук

grandpa frisbee
sure peter. see you then

no promises

ok pete. excited to see you too :)

kk bug buddy

wanda <3
ill try pete <3
love you :)

thanks guys
love you too wands <333

This time i actually put my phone down and go to sleep, smiling at what's happening in the morning. They should arrive around 1 or 2 in the afternoon.


I hop out of bed as soon as i remember todays plan. i rush to my ensuite and take a shower before pulling on a science pun tshirt and some cuffed jeans along with my converse high tops.

grabbing my phone off my desk, i message wanda good morning then make my way into the kitchen for breakfast.

"morning dad!" i sit down at the kitchen island and he places a stack of waffles in front of me.

"morning kid." he smiles and ruffles my hair. "im sure you know that the rogue avengers are returning to the tower today."

he sits down next to me, looking serious. i feel a bit on bad about not telling him but ill explain everything later.

Peter Stark: one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now