Harley's trip part 1 [parley, ironstrange]

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*Harley's pov*

I wake up and roll over to grab my phone so that I can text my wonderful boyfriend, Peter Stark-Strange (IronStrange for hayley_jh ) Yes Stark-Strange. I'm dating the son of Tony Stark and Stephen Strange. Ironman and Dr Strange.


Hey darlin'
How'd u sleep?

Hey Harls
Slept well
You've got your trip to NY today right?
Can we meet up if you have free time.
Aren't you here for the week?

Yes ofc!
Miss you
I'm here for the week

You should get ready.
Love you. See you soon!

Love you.
Bye Darlin'

I jump out of bed, run into the bathroom and hop in the shower. When I get out I dry my hair with my towel and brush my teeth then pack my toiletries into my suitcase. I run downstairs and grab a piece of toast, lugging my suitcase behind me.

"GONNA BE LATE!" I shout. My mum comes rushing down the stairs gives me a hug, tells me to be good then waves me off.

"Oh and say hi to Peter and his Dads!" She squeezes in just before the door closes. I smile and rush to school, arriving just as the class is getting on the bus.

I sit down next to my best friend, Cam, then go onto my phone to play music. Cam notices my lockscreen of me and Peter and 'aw's and asks me who he is. "That's my boyfriend, Peter. He lives in New York so I'm going to meet him when we go up." He smiles and says he's cute, then puts his headphones back in.


When we finally arrive in New York, at avengers tower, we get off the bus and make our way into the lobby. My teacher signs us in and tells us the tour guide is on their way. I look down at my phone and smile at the picture of Peter looking adorable.

"hi everyone, im theo, your tour guide for this week. first things first, lets hand out all of your passes. There's 10 different levels. level 1 is for visitors, level 2 is for overnight visitors, like yourselves, and press, level 3 is for janitorial staff. level 4 is for the low level interns, level 5 is for high level interns, 6 is for the paid scientist. level 7 is for friends and family of the avengers, 8 is for the avengers that dont live in the tower and 9 is for the avengers that do. finally, the highest level is level 10, which is for the stark-strange family, and one unknown individual."

He goes around the class and hands out the level 2 passes. luckily he gave me one, because if you hadnt guessed, i am the unknown individual thats level 10.

first of all he takes us up to our rooms. theyre all twin beds, so me and cam share. not that ill be sleeping there anyway.

i dont bother to unpack my stuff, and instead i message Pete to let him know im here.

————————————[avengers museum]

we have 45 minutes to look around the museum. me and cam immediately go to the spiderman exhibit.

fun facts about spidey:
•hes deathly afraid of spiders
•he once got stuck in the vents chasing hawkeye
•hes very very gay
•hes in a loving relationship of 2 years

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