Hydra's spider part 2 [winterwidow, school stuff, Flash being a dick]

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tw: references to torture, scars

Peters pov

i look up from my untouched food and smile weakly at MJ. I can't help but feel self conscious of my scars. it was all from hydra. all across my body. they would cut me and burn me just to get their point across.

MJ opened her mouth to say something but the bell cut her off. thank god. i jumped straight up and ran to my next lesson.

———————————— [in History]

i grab my books and walk into the classroom. im slightly late but i see a chair right at the back so i try to just walk straight there (not that i can do anything straight). i get halfway to my seat when i hear the teacher shout my name.

"Peter! come to the front and introduce yourself since you're new!"

reluctantly i turn back around and stand at the front. "Im Peter, im 17 and i used to be homeschooled."

i start to walk to the back of the class when i hear Mr Harrington shout my name again.

"Peter come back to the front"

reluctantly i turn back around.

"take your hood down in class please."

i pull my hood down and look down at the floor. i hear a few gasps but hover awkwardly at the front not daring to look up.

"Mr Parker why are you wearing gloves in my class?"

"i have poor circulation?" i kind of ask.

"well its hot in here so take them off."



i take a deep breath and take off my left glove to reveale a hand littered with scars.

"and the other glove."

i take an even deeper breath and pull off my right glove to show shining metal of my arm. i hear more gasps. i slam the gloves down on Mr Harrington's desk, pull my hood up and trudge to the back of the room.

Mr Harrington quiets the class down and starts teaching but i still hear people mumbling things about me under their breath.

"hes cute but where are those scars from?"

"did he have a metal arm?!"

"why was he covered in scars?"

"what do you think happened to him?"

by the end of class i was sick of the whispers so as soon as the bell rang i grabbed my books, ran straight out the door and over to my locker. i pulled on a spare pair of gloves then froze. i heard footsteps coming up behind me.

someone put there hand on my shoulder "so puny penis parker! whats wrong with you?"

i spin around, grab a knife from my waistband and pin him to the floor with the knife at his neck. i did this all within a second but then i hear Mr Harrington come running over.

"i thought i told you to take off your gloves and take down your hood!"

i pull down my hood again and glare at him. i slowly pull off my left glove and drop it to the floor then pull off my right glove and hear more gasps from students in the corridor.

"is that a knife? im going to need you to hand over any and all weapons youre carrying with you"

i pass him the knife, then another, and another, and another knife. i have a lot hidden on me. i dont trust anyone. only my mum and dad.

when i finally give him all my knives (31 in total. dont ask how i had them all on me) he leads me to the principals office leaving behind a whole load of gobsmacked kids whispering about me.

———————————— [at home]

"so mum dad, im not sure how well school is going to work for me." i laugh a little whilst my mum stares at me but her mood soon lightens up.

"you said you would try it and you did. its not your fault. we'll find something that will work. youre smart enough anyway." she smiled at me.

"Hey Nat you said you needed me for something!" this cute, tall, blonde boy walks in. he has a southern twang and a mischievous smirk.

"ah yeah. harley this is peter my son. Pete, this is Harley i thought you two could study together?"

"hey darlin" he smirks at me.

i think im in love.


729 words

A/N- finally done part 2 like i said i would. i wasnt originally gonna do a ship but then i thought parley is adorable so why not. also im unbelievably sun burnt rn. like you would not belive. its so hot and its not fun. my face rly hurts bc i never use sun tan lotion but it will be a tan by tmrw. hopefully. anyway if u have any ideas u want me to write jus let me know. i have aa few in my drafts that i meed to finish if i can be bothered so yh :)

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