truth or dare part 1 [spideypool, pepperony]

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both peter and wade are 17
wade has his scars

peters pov

i grab my history book out of my locker and start walking to my class. as i walk past wade i smile at him, expecting nothing back since hes popular and a bit of a dick. to my surprise, he actually gave me a bit of a smile and a nod back. i felt something in my chest warm. why do i care?

i carry on to my class and sit down next to ned, placing my bag under the desk and doing our handshake. the teacher walks in and starts talking about how we have to start a project in pairs about a battle of our choosing. me and ned smile at each other and start planning what we want to do. as the teacher continues explaining, wade walks into the room.

"mr wilson, since youre late im pairing you with our best student, peter," she nods towards me and wade sits in the seat on my other side as i feel my cheeks heat up. "as i was saying, you will have todays lesson to start your projects, but after that youll have to meet up outside of school so i suggest you exchange numbers."

wade passes me his phone and i type my number into a new contact. i give ned a sympathetic look and turn to wade to discuss our project.

"you can decide" he shrugs "but we have to do the work at your house"

i freeze. the only person that knows about my dad being tony stark and my mum being pepper potts, is ned.

"i dont have a lot of free time but im sure my boss wouldnt mind you coming over whilst i have my internship? its at stark towers."

"ill message you" he nods then gets up and walks out as the bell rings.

—————————————[after school]

wade - hey im outside the tower
want to work on the project

peter - err sure
i'll come meet you

"guys im bringing up my partner for a school project. he thinks this is my internship so well be in my lab. don't embarrass me."

i get some nods and a few small laughs. i dont have much hope at this point. i walk over to the lift and friday takes me down to the lobby.

i see wade stood outside on his phone and i walk over and let him in. as we step in the lift i ask friday to take us up to my lab.

"so you work here?" wade looks around through the glass lift at the rest of the tower.

"yeah. well an internship" i nod feeling awkward.

when we get up to my lab he takes a quick look around then sits down on a spinny stool. i sit on a chair opposite him.

"so what do you wanna do the project on?" i fiddle with my fingers slightly, not really sure what to do.

"why dont we meet up another time for the project. lets get to know each other" he laughs.

his laugh makes butterflies flutter in my stomach and i blush. why do i feel like this. i dont like wade. i dont even like guys.

"erm sure i guess. why not?" i laugh too.

"how about a good old game of truth or dare? ill go first. dare!"

"um, i dare you..." i pause and look around, "i dare you to message a secret to the first person in your phone then show me"

"okay" he shrugs and pulls out his phone. he types a message, sends it then shows me his phone.

I'm pansexual

i nod at him and smile as i see him blush for the first time ever. again it gives me butterflies. why do i feel like this? im straight!

"okay your go! truth or dare?"


"okay..." he taps his chin to show that hes thinking "do you like me?" he smirks.

"what n-no. no! im straight!" i defend.

"i meant as a friend but okay. if you say so." he smirks again and i feel my cheeks heat up. "i choose truth!"

"do you have a crush?"

"yup" he pops the p.

"what who?!" i demand.

"nope. you only get one question." he taps me on the nose and i blush even harder.

"fine" i pout, "dare."

"i dare you to kiss me."

"what no. i- i already told you. i- im straight," i look away.

"i dont care. its a dare you have to do it."

i sigh and lean in hesitantly. it wont matter to me since i dont like wade like that. our lips meet in the middle. his rough, dry ones contrasting to my soft ones. i pull back, my face still hovering close to wades.

"who's your crush?" i whisper.

"i think you know" he pulls me back in, our lips clashing once again. i gasp as i feel his tongue slip into my mouth. as we both pull back again i feel the butterflies return to my stomach for the millionth time today.

"im..." i whisper the last bit.

"youre what? i cant hear you." he smirks at me and my heart races faster.

"im g..." i gulp at how close i am to saying it.

"you got this"

"im gay" i whisper quietly.

"yep" he smiles at me and roughly pulls me back. i moan slightly as he bites down on my bottom lip. i feel his fingers tug at my hair as i rest my arms around his neck, sitting on his lap. i wrap my legs around his waste.

"hey pete!" i pull back and tumble off wades lap, too late as i see dad stand in the doorway, eyes wide with shock. "whats going on?"

"dad wait! i can explain!" i pull myself of the floor and ignore wades slight shock to me calling tony stark 'dad'.

"explain then" he places the things he's holding on a work bench.

"i- im gay" i say and look down at the floor, fiddling with my hands again.

i feel dads arms wrap around me as he whispers "i still love you."

as we step away i hear wade walk up next to me. "hi mr stark. im wade wilson. im your sons boyfriend." he holds his hand out for dad to shake.

"you are?!" i stare at him.

"if you want." i nod, still slightly in shock.

"well mr wilson its very nice to meet you." dad shakes his hand. wade steps back to my side and i grab his hand, a massive smile plastered across my face.

"does anybody else know?" dad asks.

i shake my head looking at the floor again "ill tell them soon."

1121 words

A/N - ill do the next part probably tmrw niggt so u wont have to wait long. im honestly obsessed wt spideypool atm and i love ones where peter comes out. also i feel like i owe pepper a chance to redeem herself after the last coming out chapter.

Peter Stark: one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now