christmas [parley, irondad, stony, superfamily]

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peters pov

i wake up to the smell of bacon, probably from pops since he cant seem to sleep in later than 7am.

i smile as harley kisses the back of my neck "mornin' darlin'" i roll over and bury my head into the crook of his neck. he kisses the top of my head and i feel him smile as he wraps his arms round me, bringing me in closer. i breath in the familiar scent and decide im never leaving.

"g'morning harls" i kiss at his neck and he laughs quietly.

"we should probably get up. i mean it is christmas day. plus i dont really want the old man barging in" he laughs and i shoot straight up in bed. oh my god its christmas!

i hop out of bed and pull on harleys sweatshirt, an old pair of pyjama bottoms and my slightly worn ironman slippers. Harley chuckles and rolls out of bed, pulling on some clothes before we make our way into the common area.

"where's dad?" i ask, hugging pops.

"still in bed i assume" he nods towards his room and i spin around launching towards the door. i burst through and switch the light on.

"DAD ITS CHRISTMAS GET UP!" he rolls over shielding his eyes from the light as i flick them on and off and on and off over and over.

"okay okay im coming" he chuckles, lifting the duvet off and walking towards the bathroom. hes wearing one of pops' larger tshirts and some old joggers.

i slam the door and run back towards the lounge, seeing only aunt nat, pops and harley sat in the kitchen. "Friday is anyone else up? send a message to all of their rooms telling them to get up on full volume!"

i sit down at the table next to Harls as pops slides some bacon and an egg onto my plate. i scoff it down, too excited to actually eat it at a normal pace.

"okay ive eaten can we do presents now?!"

pops nods as everyone else sulks into the room, looking very tired with a hint of anger in their eyes. no one can be mad at me for long though, especially on christmas.

Dad sits on the sofa beside me and hands me a soft, wrapped gift. i tear off the wrapping paper and see that its an ironman onesie. i laugh and hug dad, "i love it!"

"i also got you a new suit but that was awkward to wrap so its in your lab" he smiles at me.

i hand dad his present and barely hold in the giggles as he unwraps a massive fluffy ironman teddy bear. he smiles at me shaking his head. i know he loves buying his own merch, no matter how much he denies it.

harley passes me two present, one a small box and the other a small wrapped gift. i tear open the first one to see a lock for a door.

i look at him confused. "so that your dad cant barge in on us anymore" he chuckles.

"hey!" dad snatches the lock out of my hand "dont make me make you leave the door open again. no locks"

"ill get it back later" i whisper to harley and he winks at me.

"now open the other" he smiles softly at me as i lift the lid off the small box. i see the lights reflect off a small locket and open it find a photo of me amd harley on our first date. tears come to my eyes as i smile at harley, planting a small, delicate kiss on the tip of his nose.

"heres mine" i hand him a small thin wrapped present and an even smaller box.

he opens the box first and smiles finding two spider themed couples rings. he slides one onto my finger, placing the other on his.

he picks up the other gift and unwraps it carefully. inside is a personalised spotify plaque with a photo of us and the song we listened to on our first date.

he pulls me into a hug and i bury my head into his neck yet again. he pulls away and leans back in, kissing me passionately before i hear dad clear his throat.

"ok weve waited for you to do yours now i want a go!" uncle clint shouts, throwing a gift at me.

i unwrap it to find a nerf bow. i laugh, grabbing a bullet and shooting it directly at him, hitting him straight in the forehead.

i recieve mostly gag gifts, with a kids chemisty set from uncle bruce, some pop tarts from uncle thor (surprise surprise). i get a trophy from uncle sam that says '#1 mario kart player', im glad he's finally accepted that im the best at it. Wanda gives me a mug that says 'favourite avenger', but the worst present by far was from aunt nat.

Aunt Nat threw me a box of unwrapped condoms. my face went bright red and she just smirked at me. dad of course snatched them off me too, to which harley audibly groaned. i subconsciously hit him on the chest to which he pulled me onto his lap, kissing at my neck.

the best present however, came from my pops. it honestly made me feel kind of bad about my gift which was an apron with a collage of his face on it and a top that said 'stony shipper'. Pops wrapped up his shield, passing it to me carefully. i unwrapped it, staring at him confused.

"well pete, youre 17 and i think its about time i start training u with my shield. after all you will be handed down the mantle of captain america some day." he smiles at me and i feel yet another happy tear threaten to fall from my eye. before any tears can fall though, uncle clint grabs the nerf bow from in front of the sofa and shoots me in the forehead.

"payback" i hear him whisper.

1014 words

A/N-merry christmas to all my wonderful readers. thank you and i hope u have a great holiday. enjoy!

also im v painfully single and i want a gf so theres that :)

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