There is Hope

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You read for hours on end. Translating the various spells and enchantments within the pages. It almost didn't make sense, your mother had spellbooks from every corner of the world. Every corner of magic in the world were within these pages. Of course that was expected as your mother despised curses.

Finally giving up you closed the books, there were still more to look through. Yet you would study them tomorrow. Looking up at the night sky you stared at the starry night longingly. Aridam snored softly at the foot of the bed as you watched the sky.

You could feel your fingers tingle, yet you weren't using your magic. The moon that hung out the window seemed to stare back at you. Suddenly golden streaks that looked like a spider's web appeared and glistened in the sky.

Then it hit you. The tingling in you limbs, the sight of the magic barrier.

"It's witching hour." You whispered.

This was your chance, while your magic was at its peak you could maybe find a solution. With this in mind you went back to your books. As soon as you opened the page hidden symbols were now visible in the paper. You continued to read before getting to a hidden section in the book pertaining to enchanted fabric.

Great! You thought excitedly. So some enchantments can only be seen during the witching hour. If I go downstairs to the cloaks, I might be able to find something.

Your feet were cold on the marble floor of the stairs as you walked down slowly. Just need to be careful. I might be able to see more during this time.

Soon you were able to get outside and walked slowly towards the stables. Taking one of the cloaks you sat on the ground and looked into the inside of it. You saw what you did the first time, the same magical language on the rim. Glancing back up at the moon you breathed in, then muttered and enchantment. Your eyes fluttered green and more text glowed onto the fabric.

There you are. You thought as a smile crept to your face.


Kirishima made his rounds around the palace, although still shaken up from the encounter the day before. It would soon be sunrise. He and the others haven't seen you for the rest of that day. They concluded that you were sour about the incident.

I shouldn't have ducked. He thought regrettably.

The knight walked past your room before stopping. Figuring that he should apologize he knocked on the door. He waited for a while, but no answer. "Y/N?" The male called to you. Again no answer. "Is she asleep?" He then grabbed the door handle and opened it slowly. "Excuse me?" Kirishima peered inside to see your bed empty of you except your books and Aridam sleeping.

"Huh?" He exclaimed confused by your absence. "Where is she?"

Kirishima looked towards Aridam, almost contemplating asking the animal. Instead he turned around and left your room. He walked down the hall checking the rooms for you. His footsteps were speedy and quiet, careful to not wake anyone up.

After searching almost the entire corridoor of the east wing, Kirishima could feel his heart accelerate. Where else could you be? There's no way you were in the West Wing, his majesty would snap.

Suddenly he has saw an open door to the outside. He walked over to the open door and looked outside to the empty compound. Searching some more, Kirishima looked over to the stables to see your shadow near the cloaks.

"Y/N!" He called to you.

However you didn't acknowledge him, because you were astounded. Almost appalled, by what the hidden letters you read in the cloth revealed to you. Kirishima got close enough to see the look of defeat in your eyes.

The Beauty Within (Bakugo X Black Fem Reader) Beauty And The Beast AUWhere stories live. Discover now