Sabotaged...? Part 2 ~{ Angst }~

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~{ Moon's POV }~
I opened my eyes after what felt like months. I started to look around. I was still in the Daycare? I then saw Sun next to me but he was crying. "Sun! What's wrong?!" I yelled but he just ignored me. It was then that I realised that all the kids in the Daycare were also crying. "What's going on...?" I asked. No one responded. I then looked down and saw myself on the floor covered in blood and burns. "W-What..." I looked at my hands and I could see right through them. "I-I'm dead!?" I yelled. "No no no no no no no... I CAN'T BE DEAD!!" I started to cry. I can't be dead yet Sun NEEDS me! I fell down and tried to hug Sun but my arms went right threw him. This caused me to cry even more as I desporatly tried to get Sun to notice me. After a while of me doing this nothing happened. A few people came in and took my body away and the kids went home with their parents. Sun then went to my room and layed down on my bed. I knew it wouldn't do anything but I still wanted to atleast try to comfort my Sunshine. I layed down next to him and tried to hug him close to me. At this point Sun seemed to be at his limit. Sun started crying again he was heartbroken about me being gone. My heart shattered from this. I couldn't do anthing but watch him cry. "I-I'm so sorry Sunshine..." I said as a tear fell down my face. After a few minutes Sun fell asleep. "I'll stay by your side forever." I said as I began to watch over him. In the morning Sun woke up and immediately got dressed and went to the entrance of the Daycare. "What's he doing?" I thought as I followed him. Sun the left the Daycare and went over to a nearby security office. Confused I watched as he went over to a safe under the desk and he opened it. Sun then took something from it and left the office. I followed him confused about what he was doing. Once we got back to the Daycare Sun went to his room and I followed him. When he got there he pulled out what he got from the safe. I was shocked and scared. Sun had gotten the emergancy gun that the staff sometimes had to use! Before I could do anything Sun put to the gun to his head and said something. "Don't worry Moon. I'll soon join you..." Sun then slowly began to pull the trigger. I tried to stop him but I couldn't... "SUN WAIT!!" *Bang*

Hey guys! I'll have the last part posted in about another hour! So be patient! And as always I hope you have a great day/night and i'll see you in the next part/chapter! Adios!

Word Count: 502

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