Waking to Tears ~{ Angst/Fluff }~

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~{ Monty's POV }~
I was walking down near the daycare to get to Monty's Golf when all of a sudden I hear one of the daycare attendants Moon I belive scream. "What the hell..." I think as I go to the door only to see that it's locked. I then hear Moon scream again this time he was saying Sun's name. "SUN PLEASE WAKE UP!!" Moon said. After hearing that I immediately kick open the door only to see Moon crying while holding a knocked out bleeding Sun in his arms. "Holy shit what happened?!" I scream as I run over to help Moon. "H-He was scared of the lightning from the storm a-and started t-to back up n-not noticing that h-he w-was on the b-b-balcony!" Said Moon while in tears. "Please help..." I immediately got my phone from my pocket to call 911 while having Sun in my arms still.

~{ Moon's POV }~
As Monty called the police I started to feel dizzy and my vision started to blurr and before I knew it everything went black. The last thing I heard was Monty and another voice screaming my name then everything went silent.

~{ Time skip to 4 hours later }~

~{ Moon's POV }~
As I start to wake up I realize that I'm in a hospital bed. "Wh-what happened...?" I said softly. Then I suddenly remembered. "SUN!!!" I scream while trying to get off the bed to go look for him. But I then felt a hand gently put me back down. "Take it easy Moon you were out for a good 4 hours." I reconized that voice. "Freddy...?" I say while lying back down. "Where's Sun? He's okay right?" I said in worry. "He's alright luckily Monty got to you guys in time. The doctor says if he had even been 2 minutes later Sun would be dead." Said Freddy in a calm but still worried voice. "Atleast he's alright." I say in relief. "Did they say when he will be recovered?" Freddy looks at me but stays silent. "Freddy?" I ask. "They say he's in a coma and are not sure when he will wake up..." Said Freddy in a sad toned voice. My heart shattered after hearing those few words. "At least he's alive." I say trying to cheer up. It didn't work. "Hey Moon I know it's hard but the doctor told me that if you hadn't grabbed him even though he did slip from your hand you stopped some of the force he had made from the fall. If you hadn't done that he would've died the second he hit the ground." Said Freddy as he looked at me with eyes of sorrow. "That doesn't help to much but it is nice to know I atleast helped a little." I say as I try to calm myself down. I ended up falling asleep again after a few minutes while Freddy was trying to cheer me up.

~{ 1 Week Later }~

~{ Moon's POV }~
I sat next to Sun's bed in the hospital room reading a book hoping that Sun would wake up soon. "Please wake up soon Sun." I say in a sorrowed and sad toned voice. Before I even knew what I was doing I hugged Sun while tears ran down my cheaks. "Please don't leave me..."

~{ Sun's POV }~
I start to come to and hear a familure voice. It was Moon! He said please don't leave me while crying. "Moon...?" I say as I open my eyes and sit up a little. "SUN YOUR OKAY!!" Said Moon in the happiest tone of voice I had ever heard him use. "What happened?" I ask as I realise that i'm in a hospital bed. "You fell off the balcony of the daycare into the empty ballpit hitting your head and getting knocked out..." Said Moon as he looked at me his cheaks covered in dried up tears from crying. "What?! How long have i been out?!" I say in a worried voice. "A week" said Moon. "What!? How bad did I hit my head?!" "Badly enough to the point where if Monty hadn't gotten to us when he did you would of died..." My face was in shock. "I could've died...?" I say in a whispered cry. "Ya. You also were lucky that I grabbed onto you that night. Even though you slipped out of my hand. When I caught you it made some of the force of the fall go away and if that hadn't happened you would have died the second you hit the ground." I was shocked but relieved that I was ok. "When will I be released from the hospital?" I asked in a worried tone of voice. "Around 3 and a half weeks I belive. You mostly healed while you were in that coma so it won't take to long now." Said Moon in a weary tone. I softly held his hand and said. "Don't be sad Moon. If it weren't for you I would be dead. You shouldn't blame yourself when you saved my life." Moon looked at me and smiled. "I guess your right Sun. Thanks for that." Said Moon in a more cheerful tone. I smiled showing off my biggest grin. Moon chuckled at my goofy face and soon we were talking and laughing just like before.

~{ Moon's POV }~
After me and Sun talked I was told visiting hours were over so I had to go back to the daycare. When I arrived everyone looked at me in shock because I was smiling. "What's got you so happy all of a sudden?" Asked Monty. "Sun's awake!" I exclaimed. Monty then looked at me and smiled. "I told you he was gonna be alright." Said Monty as he smiled. Soon the word got around that Sun was awake and well and everyone was very happy about it. Now I just need to wait for a few weeks and everything will be back to normal again.

Hello guys! I know this is earlier then expected but I really wanted to get this out. The next chapter will most likely be released tomorrow or Friday. Anyways once again have a great day/night!

Word Count: 1041

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