The Past is at Fault ~{ Fluff, Angst }~

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~{ Moon's POV }~
When I woke up Sun was next to me still sleeping peacefully. I smiled at him and hugged him close. While I was waiting for him to wake up a thought came to me. "Why was Sun so scared of the thunderstorm the day of the incident...? Did something happen in his past to make him so afraid?" I sat silently while thinking not noticing Sun had woken up.

~{ Sun's POV }~
I woke up to see I was cuddling Moon. I blushed heavily at this. After I had managed to not blush as much I noticed that Moon was lost in his thoughts with a serious face. "Moon? Are you okay...?" I say in a worried voice. Moon jumped when he heard my voice and then said. "Ya I'm fine just thinking." About what?" I ask. Moon then took a deep breath and asked. "Why were you so scared of the thunderstorm that day?" I was shocked at first but then calmed down a little.

~{ Moon's POV }~
I saw Sun was a little shocked at first so I said. "Sun I need to know so that the incident that happened on the balcony doesn't acure again." Sun softly said ok as he started to tell me what had happened.

~{ Sun's Explanation }~
Me and my father were very close when I was little. He would always care for me and make as much time as possible for me. My mother on the other hand despised me. She would never play with me and always cursed at me when I did something wrong. Sometimes she even hit me. Well one day me and my father were outside when a storm started to acure. As me and my father were about to go outside a lightning strike struck a tree and the tree started to fall on me. My father quickly pushed me out of the way saving me but the tree had then fell on my father killing his instantly. I remember staring in shock for a few seconds before running to my mother with tears in my eyes. After that day my mother blamed me for his death and I'd be lying if I said I didn't blame myself for his death. My mother started to hit me and call me horrible names like trash, mistake, murder, and fag. When I turned 9 she kicked me out saying I didn't deserve nice things because of what I did. I was terrified being throw out as if I was just bag of garbage to her. After about 2 weeks of me on the streets I had found the daycare while it was still in construction. I decided to stay here until it opened. I was still going to school because I knew I needed some sort of education but I was bullied a lot because of how ragged up I was. When I turned 14 things got better the daycare had finally been finished so I decided to apply for the job of the daycare attendant. After I got the job they gave me the balcony area which I used to clean myself up and get my work clothes. After a few years of working here when I was 19 you came along as my work partner and you know the rest from there.

~{ Moon's POV }~
I sat in shock as I listened to what Sun had just told me. "Y-you've lived here since you were 9?!" I say in a shocked and slightly angry tone of voice. "Yes..." Replied Sun as he started to cry and hug me tightly. "Sun it's ok its all over now. You have me." I say as I try to calm him down. After a while Sun fell asleep again. I couldn't belive someone as happy and positive as him had to go through that. I softly hug him as I say. "No one will hurt you ever again. I'm here now and I will protect you, I promise."

Hey guys! I know this was short but once again my ideas decided to yeet out of my brain again. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will be splitting chapter 6 into 2 chapters since it will be really detailed and long. Chapter 6 is already completed I just need to type it out and I already have chapter 7 planned out in my head so they both should be out by the end of this weekend! And as always I hope you enjoyed and once again have a great day/night i'll see you again next chapter! Bye!

Word Count: 771

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