I Triple Dog Dare You (1/2)✅

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-I know the results, but before we start... Chef.- Chef with a grumpy face gives Chris back his 50 dollars to the host's joy.

-Alright, campers, on the plate, I have only three marshmallows. You know the drill by now, so I'll start with the safe Contestants.- Chris slowly picks a marshmallow, putting all of us on the edge- Alexandra.

Porter catches my marshmallow for me since I'm tightly clutching the edges of my stump in exasperation.

-Gwen- Chris happily continues.- Look, the last marshmallow and the boy who'll get it is- Chris makes a dramatic pause- Duncan!

Punk doesn't catch his marshmallows but falls from his stump in the eruption of laughter.


Gwen: He keeps distracting me, and I know I wouldn't be able to think straight if we ended up in the finale together. I'm voting off Trent.

Duncan: Since Alexandra is safe and Gwen doesn't strike me as the audience favorite, I'm voting off Trent.

Alexandra: It would be easier to go against Duncan. I know all his dirty tricks, so I have to vote off Trent.

Trent: I feel quite confident. Only because Alexandra didn't kick him out yet doesn't mean she won't do it now right? I'm voting off Duncan.

-But, but...- Trent looks lost and confused.

-Sorry, Trent.- Gwen doesn't look in his direction.

-I thought, we are friends!

-We are, babe! But we're also here to play the game, and you know it.- I try to reason with him.

-I thought, we think alike! I thought we'd make it to the final together! I thought what we had meant to you more than this bastard!- Trent points at Duncan, shouting right into my face.

-Hey, it's not fair, stop accusing her!- Porter steps in front of me and pushes Trent away.- Who gave you the right to get your anger out on my friend? It may have escaped your notice, but I'm not as soft as she, and I'm not a fan of what you're doing now. They voted you off fair and square, so stop being a kid and accept your failure with at least a pinch of dignity.

I always found it scary when Porter stood up for someone. He never did it for himself, but when someone crossed his imaginary line about his closest, he could turn cold like ice. The scariest thing about it is he can scold you with no emotions and a stoic voice as if stating an obvious fact.

-I can't believe I'm going to say it, but I agree.- Duncan breaks the tension.

Trent leaves to get his luggage with hurt and defeated expression.

-You didn't have to do that.- I tug at Porter's sleeve.

-I know. I'm sorry, Sunflower. I'm aware you don't like this side of me.

-Come on, there's no harm for me. I know you could never hurt me. I just thought that Trent would understand without your interference. 

-It's hard for a man to understand that he lost. It's even harder to accept the fact that he lost both money and the girl. It's about his ego and pride, baby. We all sometimes lose our cool under certain circumstances.

-You don't.- I say, he tilts his head, blinking rapidly.

-Baby, a moment ago, I scolded Trent.

-It wasn't out of hurt ego or arrogance. You did it to protect me. You're not like the men you were talking about.- I say.

He just smiles warmly and kisses the inside side of my wrist. Once again, I'm mesmerized by his gentle behavior.

-Aren't we going to say goodbye?- Gwen asks.

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