The Ties that bind

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I woke up gasping for air and looked at Elijah and I smiled and hugged him and I felt save "It's alright Henrik" I hugged him and smiled "H-How do you" he smiled "I know my little brother, I haven't encountered any one who smelled like you" I smiled and got out of the coffin and I looked at him "I missed you Elijah" he smiled "I missed you" and then all the memories came flooding back and I started crying and Elijah looked at me "Henrik, what's wrong" I looked at him "You won't care so just let cry by myself"

He grabbed and pulled me into a hug "If this is about father, our brother has already informed me" I looked at him "I know, I shouldn't be sad because he was abusive in so many ways" Elijah cut me off and wrapped his arm around me "Oh Henrik, you're heart pure as the day you were born, you've always been forgiving Henrik it's a gift not many posses no matter what happens carry it with you always and forever" I smiled at him "I know, well I'm going to go take a shower after being in a box for a week I think" and I left.

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