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I gasped for air and Nik looked at me "Henrik, Mikael has a dagger in his heart" I looked at him shocked and then I looked down "Oh" I got up and crossed my arms and went to get better clothes.

I was at the party Nik had and I saw the witch from earlier and two blonde vampires but the guy one well they're both hot and I think I should introduce myself I got up and walked over to the guy "Hi I'm" he cut me off "Henrik Mikaelson the dead brother who came back Elena told my sister who told me" I nodded "Well do you want to dance or something" he shook his head I looked down "Got it you hate me because of my brother well I hope you have a nice night" I left.

I sat on the steps on the stairs and I got up and walked outside and walked over to the alcohol I've never had alcohol but I feel like I need it and I grabbed one of crates of alcohol and walked away.

I was drank one of the bottles and I think I'm starting to feel the effects of it but I didn't care and then I saw my father and smiled and walked over to him "Dad" he looked at me "Excuse me child what do you speak" I looked at him and started crying "Why don't you remember me, you told me when I was little that...you wouldn't forget me and you would tell me how much I reminded you of my sister Freya" he looked at me "H-Henrik how" I was still crying and I hugged him "I love you papa" I slowly remember what was going to happen "No papa you need to leave Niky he wants you dead and I hate when you two fight please just leave, please" I looked at him "What is this" I saw Nik "Niky please don't him and papa don't hurt Nik please" and Nik grabbed and threw me in the house and had a hybrid hold me back I kept saying stop or please stop and then dad killed the doppelgänger and then Damon attacked Nik and I shook my head and then I saw the stake and Nik picked it up and drove it through father's heart and I screamed and fell to the ground and I couldn't stop crying and then I thought of something I crawled over to Nik and grabbed his arm and bit into his flesh and let the blood get in my system and Nik grabbed my throat and held me against a wall.

I was still crying "Henrik stop calm down" I looked at him and I still cried and he picked my head up "Henrik he was a horrible father and you know that" I nodded "But he was the only father I was so close to having our family back together that's all I want I just want my family back" he let go of me and I hugged him and still cried "I just want my brothers and sister" I feel bad I know I shouldn't love him but he's my dad, he taught me how to be safe and how to use a sword "Henrik I" I looked at him and then I blacked out I became fully drunk I guess.

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