Our Town

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I walked into the Mystic Falls High school and saw the boy from the party "Hi" he looked at me "What are you doing here" I smiled "I need to get my mind off my evil father dying I happen to be one of the people who see the best in everyone" he nodded "Well I'm not helping you it's my birthday and I need me time" I looked at him and smiled "Happy birthday" I smiled and he scoffed I frowned.

School was over and I was at the grill and I ordered a milkshake, a peanut butter blast with whipped cream and the waiter came back with one and I thanked him and I drunk it and it was good and I payed for it and left.

I walked into the graveyard it used to be where my family lived and I sat down on the ground and looked around "Here lies Henrik Mikaelson" I looked down "Well I didn't die here I died a couple of trees back I think anyway" I got up and held up my drink "Son, friend, and witch who died and was forced to spend a thousand years on the other side, who was forced to watch as his family fight each other, chase each other, and almost kill each other so to Henrik who should have died here" I sat down and looked down and then looked up and saw the blonde boy "Birthday boy so you listened to me talking about myself" and he nodded "Well good for you but you made it clear you don't want to know me so go on stab me, snap my neck, pull out my heart, rip my head, or drain me dry of my blood I'll come back although I don't wish to not have a head my heart will fly into my body again the only thing that could kill me or cure me of my immortal predicament so go on do what you wish" he looked at me "Why would I do that" I looked at him "Because you hate my brother and therefore you hate me so go and do it just end my suffering for a second" he looked at me and shook his head and then got a phone call and left.

I walked home and found my dagger and I held it in my hand and pointed it to my heart and looked down and stabbed myself in the heart and I fell down.

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