The Birthday

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I was in the car while my brother and Stefan killed those poor people Nik used me as a test dummy for his American accent truth to be honest it scared me if I was his enemy all he would have to do is use that accent and I would tell him everything I know, I looked out the window and saw Ayana I closed my eyes and she was still there and then I heard the door I jumped and looked at Nik "What's wrong" I looked at him"N-Nothing so you know where the wolf is" he nodded "I don't like werewolves" he nodded "I know" I looked down at my leg it was the first place the wolves got me and I laid my head on the window and fell asleep.

I walked into the bar, I don't like this music and Nik went to the wolf I walked over to them "Hello Ray" he looked at me "It would be a smart thing to listen to him" he looked at me "Yeah and your human" I looked at him and grabbed his hand and started to siphon and he felt pain "Ray I'm not a human, I'm worse then my brother over their nature hates me and if you must know I'm a magic juice box so no matter how much I get but I can't stop" and I stopped "So have fun, I need to go to the bathroom"

I was in the bathroom and I looked around "Ayana, Ayana bitch I know you hear me" she didn't show up and I saw a young guy and I walked over to him "Hello" he looked at me "You look attractive" I smiled "So do you" he smiled and kissed me and I kissed him back, it feels nice but Nik ripped us apart "Henrik, you deserve better than this" I looked at him "So a day knowing I'm back you have a problem with me kissing a guy" he looked at me "No Henrik I could careless what gender you like but this one isn't worthy of my little brother" he looked at the guy "You are going to forget what you just heard and you know that the kiss you just got from him is the best kiss you have ever had in your life" and he walked away "Really that's just cruel" he looked at me "No cruel is letting me hear you make out with someone" I smiled "At least I didn't moan" he looked at me and I smiled and left.

Ray finally told Nik where to find the pack and he killed him before feeding Ray his blood, I sat down on the pool-table and looked at him and laid down and I thought of my siblings, Kol we always caused so much mischief but we always got caught, me and Rebekah well I always let her braid my hair I was a test dummy for her father didn't like it.

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