Disturbing Behavior

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I was in a clothing store looking down and then Rebekah came out and she was mad about the outfit, I got up and walked over to a light gray dress and I picked it up and walked over to her "Here Bex's this should suit you more it gives sweet nice little girl and they won't expect a vampire" she smiled and thanked me.

I left, I've been getting headaches like memories and the recent ones are scaring me and my mother was there she was talking about me and a way to end all vampires and then I got a headache and then my brain felt like it was going to explode and I pasted out.

I woke up in the exact spot but I feel like I forgot something, I got up and looked down and went to find to find my siblings.

I walked into the bar and Rebekah was volunteering to be a channel device and she started a spell and it worked I felt the dagger in my sock still and Nik walked over to me "Where were you" I looked at him "Like you said too early to do a big spell" he nodded and left.

I sat down across from Gloria "So what can you teach me about enchanting things" she looked at me "Why" I looked at her "Family business, I don't what it is but when I saw the dagger in Rebekah something changed in me" she nodded "I feel more powerful so how do I enchant stuff" she told and I thanked her "Thanks and if you can keep it a secret I would appreciate it but if you don't I will get my brother on you" I smiled "Beside I know you have business of your own every witch does" she looked at me "You seem different as well" I looked at her "Thanks" I smiled.

I walked into a safe space and thought of something and put the dagger on the table and pulled out some white-oak-ash and poured it all the dagger and then some herbs and I poured salt around the dagger and closed my eyes "Vescara Anta Intacurum, Vescalis Divinitus Dissidia. Ex Tatum Tatum, Dimentum Talos Dox Toxem, Evil Dox. Divine Dox" I chanted this over and over again and when I opened my eyes the dagger was combing with the herbs and ash I smiled and put it back in my sock.

I walked back to my siblings "What happened" Nik looked at me and then I felt hazy and I fell and Nik caught me and I passed out.

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