Chapter 7

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Jungkook tried to reach for the lights but the figure standing in front of him threw something in the air which hit the lights on the ceiling, shattering it into pieces. When Jungkook tried to cover his face, the figure threw a pillow at him.

'If they threw a pillow at me, then I'm sure they don't have a weapon' Jungkook thought and strided closer to them. He could see it was a man but his face and hair were covered. He couldn't recognize them.

The man turned around and attempted to high kick Jungkook's face, but Jungkook's reflexes were quicker, he blocked it with his arm, but the blow was heavy.

"You're good. I admit. But I'm better" Jungkook said with a smirk and tried to punch the man but the man ducked.

"Which Gang do you belong to?" Jungkook asked.

The man responded with his fist, striking it across Jungkook's face. Before the Man could retrieve his hand, Jungkook pulled it and the Man tried to yank it back, Jungkook pushed him off.

The man stumbled and his hat fell off his head. He moved closer to the window and Jungkook was taken aback for a second when he saw the wavy silver hair covering the man's face.

As Jungkook approached closer, towards the window. Towards the light, the Man looked tense, his fists clenched but not moving. The man tried to leap out of the window but Jungkook grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. The man's hair flipped over his forehead and Jungkook could see the eyes.

The brown eyes.

The same brown eyes, the eyes were rich as chocolate. He knew only one other person to have those eyes.

He immediately let go of the Man. He noticed a glint of pain in the Man's eyes as he jumped out of the window.

"Haru?" Jungkook whispered. 

Rose and Hyacinth [Taekook story! Top!Kook]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin