chapter 6

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Sitting at the rooftop eating some peanuts was not an unordinary thing for Taehyung to do, but it was unordinary for him to sit there without a weapon.

The Lexhale hotel was heavily guarded and Black Rose men were roaming every floor, checking every person who looked out of the Ordinary. Taehyung was feeling a little ashamed to think that he was intrigued by this gang. How can the Hyacinth have no information about the Gang's inner circle? Especially when this Gang is supposedly the no.1 Gang of the city.

Taehyung's been in and out of this city. He's not really a fan of it. This place brought back too many unwanted memories. Memories of people he didn't want to remember anymore. Memories of the life of Haru.

He never made an effort to know any of the Gangs, not unless Namjoon asks him to, but the Black Rose, Taehyung wanted to know.

He tossed the last of the peanut into his mouth when he heard a voice in his earpiece.

"They just checked into their Rooms. The man, who I think the Leader is, his room number is 505"

"Thanks Yeonjun." Taehyung said. Yeonjun was the new recruit of Hyacinth and Taehyung had a liking towards him. He had to take him because Hoseok's face might have been exposed yesterday.

"I'll let you know when it's clear for you to go in" Yeonjun said, he continued, "Do you want me to listen in on the meeting."

Taehyung was surprised, it was rare to see the members taking an initiative. He reminded him of himself when he was younger. "Sure. Don't get caught. If you do, I'm not coming to save your ass, got it?"

"Yes, got it"

Taehyung waited for the signal.

45 minutes passed with silence on his earpiece.

"Hyung!" he heard the voice again.


"I think the boss man is a good person. He is talking about a New gang and how the other gangs should maintain peace."

Taehyung didn't utter a word. His mind worked, coming up with different reasons as to why a crime lord would say something like that. Especially when the victim's parents thought that the Leader had something to do with it. Was it all a misunderstanding? Didn't Taehyung have to kill him?

"FUCk! Hyung!" Yeonjun's voice screeched.

Taehyung winced, "What now?"

"The dude just fired his gun!"

Taehyung got to his feet on high alert, "What do you mean?"

"Oh wait, he just fired a gun to shut them up. I don't think anyone's hurt."

Who the Hell was this Crazy dude? Taehyung wondered.

"Hyung they are leaving—wait I can hear them—they are going to the bar downstairs–I'll head there and keep an eye on them, you get to room 505"

Taehyung agreed. He put on his mask and hat and got on the ledge, reached for the fire escape ladder. He counted the floors as he jumped from one level to the next.

When he reached the 5th window on the 5th floor, he breathed as he pushed the window open. He jumped in. The room was dark and empty, he was accustomed to the dark, he had no trouble looking at some files in the bed. He flipped through it. Some mentioned the Truce between Gangs, nothing reliable. Maybe The Leader wasn't a bad man after all.

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