lams ~ shower sex.

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"he's not going to go away." an awful whisper could be heard.

"damn right, i'm not! open the goddamn door!"

john jumped as his wish was granted. he sighed in relief, refraining from slapping lafayette across the face when he saw him. he scowled but ended up softening his expression when alex appeared next to him. he ushered him inside, only realizing he was being tugged along when alexander grabbed his wrist.

john rolled his eyes when he saw hercules slipping on a shirt. he was very clearly sweaty and his breathing was heavy.

"they were fuuuucking- -" alex began to jeer before lafayette cut him off.

"shut up." he spat.

"baby-girl, go to bed." john stated, exasperation laced throughout his entire body.

"you heard your man. be a good bitch- -" hercules smirked, clearly joking.

alexander gasped, taking the bait. he nearly charged at hercules but he didn't get a chance because john slammed his door shut from the outside and put his back against it to keep it closed.

"must you antagonize my boyfriend so late at night?" john cried, his body slumping with tiredness.

"yes, we must." lafayette smiled, pointing towards the couch.

john raised an eyebrow but caught on when a blanket was being handed to him. a deep breath made him settle down.

"wait, where is hercules going to sleep?"

"my bed." laf smirked.

"then why can't i sleep with alex- -"

"because we don't want to hear alexander getting his guts rearranged." hercules stated blankly.

"he's drunk off his ass! why would we even—?"

"he has a point."

"i do not care. goodnight john!"

laurens frowned when lafayette and hercules retreated to go sleep. he got comfortable on the couch, his body begging him to relax. john was nearly asleep when he felt a weight on his thighs, the warmth of another person. shrouded in darkness, alex was lifting up the blanket john was covered in and placing it over both of their bodies.


"can i sleep with you?"

"you don't want your bed?" john whispered.

alex shook his head as he climbed on top of john. he curled in on himself to get comfortable. the blanket was barely covering the both of them, but they were both content.

john had woken up with a knot in his neck and a sharp pain in his back. he sucked in a deep breath as he moved the wrong way, the pain being amplified. alexander was fast asleep, tucked into john's side. his back was pressed against the back of the couch, his legs were curled around john's. john's moving seemed to wake up alex, as he whimpered to himself then opened his eyes.

"why are you up?"

"why are you not up? you're usually up at seven every morning."

~hamilton smut~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ