4. Being The Way That You Are Is Enough

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Niall's P.O.V

I turned around in my spinny chair to the boys, "Guys, I'm gonna go get something to eat, anyone want anything?"

"Yeah, can you get me a bag of Haribo?" Zayn asked.

"Ooh, me too," Louis agreed.

"And me, the supermix one, please," Harry grinned.

I rolled my eyes but nodded and turned to Liam, "You want anything?"

"Nah, thanks. Make sure you're back in time though."

"It's only half four, we've got ages," I put his mind to rest and walked out of the studio, planning on going to the canteen.

I whipped out my phone and AirPods, putting on a bit of The Eagles as I got in the lift. No-one else was there so I allowed myself to sing along, until my phone started vibrating. I pulled it out of my pocket as the lift doors opened, tapping on the text and reading it while I walked out. It was Louis asking for Malteasers as well. I chuckled as I began to reply, but instead I walked straight into someone and heard the high-pitched squeak of shoes against a wet floor as they were knocked off their feet.

My head immediately snapped up in guilt and I was met with the sight of Sophie - on the floor. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I held out my hand to help her up.

"Don't worry about it, I wasn't watching where I was going," she rushed to explain, taking my offer of help to stand up.

I pulled her up and smiled at her, "Neither was I, but how did you end up on the floor?"

She smiled back sheepishly, "Uh, my shoes are wet from the rain... and I'm a little uncoordinated."

I laughed at her explanation, "Yeah, I remember." There was an awkward silence as neither of us knew what to say next, but I didn't just want to be rude and walk away either. "So, how've you been?" I asked.

"Yeah, good thanks," she nodded and gave a polite smile, "how about you?"

"Busy – nothing new there," I joked. "Hey, I heard your single the other day, it's so good!"

"Oh really? Thanks," she smiled, a little embarrassed, "yeah, it's alright."

"I thought it was brilliant," I emphasised, feeling the need to encourage her.

"Thanks," she laughed and met my eyes for a brief second, "your stuff isn't too bad either."

"Thanks," I paused, wondering if I should say what I was thinking, and then deciding I might as well. "Listen, are you going anywhere or do you want to go for a coffee or something?"

She glanced back the way she'd come for a second, "Oh, um... I guess I've got some time, I got here a bit early."

I felt that butterfly feeling in my stomach, "Great, there's a cafe just down the road."

"Perfect," she smiled.

* * *

We found a small table right at the back of the café, as far out of the public eye as I could arrange. Sophie had ordered a hot chocolate while I'd gone with a cappuccino, not that I liked the stuff. I think I was subconsciously trying to impress her. Why a cappuccino would impress her, I have no idea.

"What have you girls been up to with the band?" I started off the conversation.

"Our first single came out two weeks ago so we've been busy with that, doing radio interviews and a load of promo," she nodded, shuffling to tuck her hands under legs and flicking her hair out of her face.

What Makes You Beautiful | The Playlist Series | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now