Chapter 13: Sneaky Maura

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Sexual content ahead, if you're not into that just read until things get heated. Enjoy! ;)


Silence. History is being made and not just because of what Jane said, but also because the witty and oh-so-well rounded doctor is currently speechless. Maura was starting to hypothesize after collecting data from the past few days, that Jane might be attracted to her but she was not expecting Jane to tell her she's in love with her.

She had to summon all her courage to bring herself to tell Jane how she feels, only to have the detective beat her to it. Which took any focus she might have had to think about the possible fact that Jane might just feel the same way, away.

Maura is scrambling for a reply when Jane gets out of bed.

"Don't read into this but I am sleeping in the guest bedroom tonight". Jane says as she heads for the bedroom door.

"Jane, wait!-" "-No, Maura, can we please just put all this on hold?" She says motion to Maura with her hands. Her heart feels like it's sinking to her stomach.

"Pretend I never said anything ok? It's late and I am rea-" "-I love you too Jane... I mean I have been attracted to you for a while now but being in this environment has proven particularly difficult to keep my feelings separate... from work I mean. It's all so complicated, Jane-" Maura says hurriedly, nervously.

"-Back up Wordy-Megee" Jane interrupts. "You, feel...the same... about me?" Maura smiles and shifts to sit on her ankles excitedly. "Yes! Oh my god, I'm so relieved I can feel my cortisol levels dropping. It feels so good to tell you finally!" Jane's mouth just drops open.

"Yeah... I know the feeling" Jane says with a dumbstruck look. "Um... please don't sleep in the guest bedroom. I quite prefer you sleep with me- I mean not sleep with me- I mean sleep in this bed, with me-" "I get it, Maur" Jane says shushing the rambling doctor.

A minute ago Maura was all too happy to throw caution to the wind and make love to Jane and that is exactly what would have happened had Jane not stopped them. However, with the new information, it seems like a much more serious act than when it was just Maura who was in love with Jane. Even though she just confessed her love to Maura, she feels she could still scare her off with the insinuation to have sex.

"Please say something Jane" Maura pleads as Jane returns to bed. "I thought you couldn't lie" "I can't. I omitted. There's a difference. However I am not good at keeping secrets, I was shocked on a daily basis that you off all people didn't figure it out, Jane"

Jane gasps "Excuse me? I was freaking out internally all day every day... Who could focus? With you constantly saying things like 'Unzip me' 'You need sex Jane' and let's not forget the eye sex!" Jane exclaims pointing at Maura. Maura gasps.

"What even is eye sex? And what about you!?-" "-Name one thing!" Jane interrupts" " Hmm let me think: 'I always wanted a wife'" Jane gasps, she caught that? She said it sarcastically, dammit. "And you are always holding me by my lower back! It drives me mad sometimes"

Jane swallows. She had no idea the effect she had on the doctor. "So it's settled then, we were both, oblivious, cowardly dum-dums-" "-I don't accept that premise-" "-Too bad" Jane interrupts. They stare awkwardly at the ceiling for a few moments. Both nervous and wide awake in the early morning hours.

"Jane?"... "Yeah Maura" "Does this mean, we-" "-it's tricky Maura. We are in the middle of an operation, we can't exactly start "dating" in the middle of it- I don't think. I am actually not too sure on the rules on this one" "Well wouldn't it affect the operation anyway If we don't? I feel like I'm losing control around you, especially now, don't you?" she pries her head upon her elbow to face her even more. She could be on top of Jane in one swift motion she thinks, her heart racing.

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