Chapter Four : Sexy Ass Angels Everywhere

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Our laughter was cut short as we approached the entrance of Clover Beach. Pulling in we paid the four hundred dollars needed to enter, and parked.

Hopping out of the car Sofie and I began to smother sunscreen all over ourselves since we didn't want to be lobsters after.

The guys were paying for a couple of umbrellas while we finished up.

"Done?" Sofie called out and both the guys responded with a nod.

All four of us began our trail onto the wooden bridge, only to meet Keir.

"So you're the lovely McKenna?" A blondie with grey eyes stepped forward with a smile.

"Damn right I am." I smirked as I extended my hand. I could feel everyone's eyes burning holes in different parts of body.

"Nice to see you too Keir." Jett spoke with a laid back attitude. "Try anything with my mate and I'll kill you."

I ignored the two as they began to have their staring contest by walking away. Sofie followed and the two of us stopped as we reached the end of the bridge.

"It's so relaxing." Sofie spoke while I took in the beach scenery.

"Fuck yeah!" I screamed out in excitement.

"What happened." Jake asked and I pointed at a group of guys who were walking out of the ocean.

"They happened." I gawked at the five guys, no, judging by their body anyone could see that they're men.

I walked over with Sofie to a space that was freed. We set our beach towels down, and I began to strip my tank top.

"You sure don't waste any time stripping down." Jacob said and I laughed because we all knew it was true.

"I don't have time to waste since those guys are calling my name." I winked and heard a growl from both Jake and mister Alpha Jett.

Stripping off my shorts I smirked knowing that everyone was going to witness my recent tattoo I got in between my back dimples.

"That's fucking sexy." Jett's voice said, causing me to grin even more.

That's right. Look at what you an't getting if you continue being possessive.

Ironically as I began to make my way into the ocean, a frisbee hit the side of my leg.

When I grabbed it, I was instantly met with a pair of brown chocolate milkshake eyes.

"So I'm assuming that this is yours?"

The guy who was hella fine and rocking his nice body smiled.

"Yeah. I'm sorry that we hit a gorgeous girl like you." The guy said.

"Stop flirting with the sexy babe Wyatt!" Chocolate milkshake eyes friend yelled making him smile.

"Wanna join us?"

Hell yes please!

"I'd love to." I batted my eye lashes and walked with Wyatt over to his friends.

"Told you she'd come." A guy whispered to the grey haired guy that was rushing us earlier.

"McKenna's the name. Don't wear it out." I winked and all of them looked interested in my attitude.

"I like her already." Mister grey said.

And not Christian Grey from Fifty Shades of Grey because he's too sexy for this book to handle, plus he's probably banging Anastasia with some whip.

The Girl Who Cried Wolf (Wattys2015)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin