Chapter 51 - Wet Dog

Start from the beginning

"Indy!" I call him. I guess I'll get him in the bathroom tub/shower and do it that way. Indy barrels in circles around me wondering what I wanted probably as I walk toward the bathroom.

Umm... How the heck is this going to work?

"Okay Indy. Get in the tub." I say. He cocks his head at me, clearly not understanding. I pat the tub with my hand, making it have a light bong sound when I tap it. Just being able to see over the ledge, Indy peers into the tub, still clearly confused.

I know that he doesn't understand what the heck I'm talking about, but I also don't think he's tall enough to get in the tub on his own. I wrap my arms around his stomach and lift him up; he starts to squirm, wiggling his body and feet to try and get out of my grasp, but I have him held tight. I get him into the tub and he mostly starts sliding from his toenails, then is kind of sitting or laying partially with his head on the ledge of the tub.

I can't resist how cute he looks like that so I grap my phone and take a picture of him, then I leave my phone on the bathroom counter. I turn around to see Indy trying to get out of the tub.

"Hey! No, no, no. You stay in there bud." I take his paws off of the ledge lightly and put them back in the tub. I wouldn't want him getting hurt.

I know what I can do.

You stay there, okay?

I run out into the living room and look for one of his plastic chew toys that could get wet and not grow mold. I find his orange ball I had gotten him a few days ago wedged under the couch. This will work.

I try to not laugh when I come back into the bathroom and Indy is half in, half out of the tub and clearly stuck. His front paws are in the bathroom carpet outside the tub while his back paws are sliding in the tub.

I set down the ball on the counter and grab my phone and take a picture quick. Then I grab Indy under the waist and put him back into the tub. He lets out a loud whine, clearly annoyed.

"Hey. Do you want this? Will it make you happy?" I ask turning around and taking the ball off of the counter.

His eyes light up at the sight of a toy and his fluffy tail starts thumping against the side of the tub, making that repetitive bong sound again as it hits the tub.

"Here." I put the ball in the tub and he grabs it, more like hoards it in his mouth. At least he's happy.

My shower head is one of those that you can take off and move it around, then click it back into the spot for it. I pull that out of its socket, then put it down into the tub so Indy or I won't get burned or frozen when it turns on. Then, I turn it on and find a good temperature for him. He looks at me, clearly still confused on what the heck I'm doing to him.

"This ought to be interesting." I say putting the shower head over Indy's back. He starts shaking as soon as the water touches him.

"Ugh. Indy! Stop!" I groan as now I am all wet. He turns around, drops his ball making it bounce on the tub and starts to try and bite the water. I laugh and roll my eyes at his confusion. He finally realizes that that is doing nothing so he tries to bite the shower head.

"Indy. No." I reprimand him. "The ball is your chew toy, not the shower head."

At the recognition of the word, he frantically looks for his ball around the tub, sliding around in the process. He finds it, and then turns around facing me, clearly happy again.

Now that he's all wet, I get the bottle of dog shampoo and put a ton of it on his back. I spread it around his whole middle section, then do the same thing with his tail and legs, but I'm more careful around his head to avoid getting it into his brown eyes.

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