Chapter 6: A Blind Date to remember

Start from the beginning

After a short break, Barnes and I decided to go sparing.

„I'll go easy on you!" I joked. We were both of about the same strength and skill, because Natasha had taught me all of her tricks while he still had a good muscle memory from his fights as the winter soldier.

„Sure! Like I need that!" Bucky responded. „Good luck, Banana Muffin" he said. Ever since he found out I like banana chocolate muffins, he occasionally called me that. I didn't like when he did, but he wouldn't be Barnes if he wouldn't call me nicknames.

Then we started fighting. We dodged each others bunches and twirled around, but after a while, I had him in a tight grip and I already though I had him, because I only had to pull his legs to have him pinned to the ground, but then Bucky flipped me and pinned me to the ground. While flipping me around, he tripped and fell, and was then laying on top of me. Our faces were just a few inches away from each other and it felt like the world stopped turning for a second.

I felt his warm, soft breath on my face and soaked up his scent while we looked each other deep in the eyes. I got lost in the deep blue of his eyes wondering how anyone could have eyes as blue as his. He had gotten so close, that just one tiny lift of my head could lead to us...

„O shit sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you guys!" someone said and Bucky quickly jumped off of me. I jumped up myself, only to find Scott standing in the doorway with a surprised look on his face.

„You weren't... nothing happened" I said and saw Bucky quickly rush past Scott leaving the gym.

„You sure? That didn't look like nothing to me!" Scott chuckled.

„Whatever" I whispered and grabbed my stuff to run after Bucky. When I rushed past Scott he yelled „Go get your man!" but I just flipped him off in response. Bucky Barnes might be a lot, but NOT my man.

When I turned around the corner to stop for a minute. Why was I even running after Bucky? I should give him some space. It was odd he just ran off without saying anything, but it was an awkward situation, so I couldn't really blame him, right?

I decided to go upstairs to take a shower hoping I wouldn't see Bucky on my way up. And luckily, I didn't. But when I entered my room, I found Wanda and Nat sitting on my bed.

„Surpriseeee" Wanda shouted and Nat smiled suspiciously.

„What are you doing?" I asked with a bit of concern. When they acted like that they usually have something planned I might not like.

„Us?" Nat asked and pointed at herself and Wanda. „We're not doing anything! You, on the other hand, are going out on a date tonight!"

„A date? Why?? And with whom would you two want me to out on a date with anyway??" I asked. Why would they set me up?

„Well, you haven't been laid in quite a-„ Wanda started, but I interrupted her. „Hold up, my love life, my decisions!" „Sorry dear, but I'm afraid we have to disagree. Also we think it might help you to take your mind off of Bucky!" Wait what? Did Wanda read my mind again? I started feeling nervous, but I tried not to let it show. „Since the two of you need to spend so much time together, we thought it would be good if you'd be able to see a man you'd be willing to get closer to! And who is actually nice to you!" Wanda finished and winked at me.

„Scott and Steve are nice to me!" I said. I did not want to go on this date.

Nat started laughing. „You want to get laid by Scott or Steve?" she asked.

„NO! Ugh that's not how I meant it!!" I shivered in disgust. I loved them, but they were like family to me. I would never even think about... eew. No. Just no. Apart from that I knew that Nat and Steve were kind of a thing, even though they weren't exactly public yet.

Home is where the heart is - A Bucky x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now