Chapter 15

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Ron's POV

Harry, what are you doing. We were just told magic won't work on the thing. I was just chucking rocks. Why did he fire a spell. He's gonna turn into a marshmallow. My best friends gonna be a marshmallow. What is he picking up.


" HARRY!!" I yell

I dash towards him, and I was able to catch him. Just in time. Malfoy, and Percy snap their necks in our direction. Then Percy gets flung away by the hydras tail. Annabeth runs after him screaming " PERCY!!!"
" WEASLEY, TAKE HARRY INSIDE NOW!!" Malfoy yells. I nod and run towards the castle. How did this happen. Was it because of the fire? I don't see any burns on him.

I burst into the hospital wing, holding Harry. Madam Pompfey comes out in her night robes, and she looks kind of pissed.

"Mr. Weasley, you better tell me what you two did again or I'll be damned. Can I just have one year where any one of yiu aren't injured" she says

"I'm sorry Madam Pomfrey. Where can I put Harry?" I ask

" on that bead over there" she says while pointing too it. "Now tell me what happened while I tend to Mr. Potter here"

So Ron explains the whole situation, starting with when the hydra was spotted.

" I know it sounds crazy madam but-"

" I believe you Mr. Weasley" madam pomfrey says

"Yea okay, wait what. You believe me" I say

"  yes mr. Weasley. I'm a nurse and a clear sighted mortal, so I kinda have to know about these stuff." She says " now it's getting pretty late so you better be heading to your dorms and then to bed."

"Okay madam, good night" I saw as I walk out of the hospital wing

"Oh and about Harry, he just fainted that's all, he should be fine by the morning"

When I got to the dorms, I saw that the new kids were already back. As soon as I entered, I was bombarded with questions like
, "are you okay?"  Or
" how is Harry doing"
And I replied with " Harry's doing fine, but how are you all. You were the ones who were doing the real fighting"

" we're good" they replied

"Good, cause now you better tell me what's going on. From the very beginning. First Hermione knows Malfoy and Annabeth. Then Harry knows you" Ron says while pointing to Percy " and now mythical creatures are real. Oh and spells aren't very affective against them apparently, so I'm gonna need an explanation"

" okay Ron, your in for a hell of a ride right now"  Leo says,

After explaining why they are here

" wait, so you all are demigods.  So half god have human?"I ask

"Yea" says Percy " I'm a son of Poseidon, Jason is the son of Jupiter and Leo is the sun of hepustus"

" and you all are here cause of a prophecy"

" yea basically" replies Jason

" so that means Hermione and Malfoy are actually related. Bloody hell. So like if Hermione and I get married, Will we have to invite him on family diners"

"Oh um....that your choice really Ron" Percy says
" wait are you planning your marriage"

Okay this is getting out of hand

"No no no. It's not like that it's just I was just saying and-"

"YIU ARE" yells Leo

What have I gotten myself into

"Guys...why are you telling" Neville sags groggily.

Oh yea. He's still here

" Ron why are you a tomato?" He asks " are you guys talking about Hermione"

"NO we are not. Right Percy" I say, giving him the eye

" oh yeaaaaa. Definitelyyyt aren't talking about Hermione" he says

"GUYS STOP" I yell


"Sureeeeee" says Leo

" FORGET ABOUT IT. ANYWAYS NEVILLE. How did that girl. What was her name. Thalia know you"

"Thalia. Oh yea were friends. We knew eachother before she became a tree"  he says


" oh well she died in battle and her father turned her Into a tree. I can say that, right guys"

"Oh yea yiu can Neville" Jason says

"Wait so that means...Neville...who's your godly parent"

" mine?? It's Demeter"

" cool cool.  If you four don't mind I'm going to bed before my head explodes" o say as I head to bed.

This was a looong day

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