Chapter 5

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September 1st

" Ummmmm guys how are we supposed to get to this so called 'Hogwarts'" Leo asked

" I have literally no Idea" Percy said " did. hectate not leave a letter or something

As soon as Percy said that a paper appears on the desk.
Here are your Tickets to hogwarts

Annabeth picked up the tickets.
" these are tickets for a train at king cross Station, and the train leaves in 2 HOURS. WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW. " Annabeth yelled

——-at kings cross—

"Now that we are here, where is platform 9 3/4" Jason asked " I mean we are between platforms 9 and 10.

" Look there is a guy there, maybe we can ask him " frank suggested.

The whole group walked towards the uniformed man

"Excuse me sir," percy started " do you know where platform 9 3/4 is"

" Oh lord, not this again" the guy said
" every year there is someone who asks ABOIT platform 9 3/4 but as you can see, it doesn't exist"

"Oh okay, thank you" Percy said

"Now what " Hazel asked

" wait listen" piper said

"Okay children ready for your last year at hogwarts" a women with red hair said " but mum I dropped out, and I ain't going back" a red headed male said " well too bad George, yiu didnt graduate. Your gonna be in the same year as Ronald, Hermione and harry thogh so it will be Fine. Now go on, run. " the lady instructed.

There was also another red headed male and a female. There was also a black mop of hair and a female seen. They all ran through the walls and disappeared though it. Well it looks like we know how we're getting in.

"Okay.. so we run though the wall. Who wants to go first. Percy? "Annabeth asked

"Okay fine, I'll run through the magical wall. If I die it's your fault" Percy said

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