Chapter 10

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Harry PoV

Food filled up the table like it does every year. There's a ton of meat , potatoes, fruits, cake, etc. basically any kind of food imaginable. I looked over to Percy to see him just gaping. Is he going to make a move or what. Beside me, Ron is just devouring everything he sees.
" Perce, you gonna eat or what. Stop gaping like a fish. If you don't eat soon then Ron will at it all up." I say
Percy looks at me then at Ron and Hermione. Hermione is scolding Ron like a mother would her child(like usual).
" Slow down Ronald!! You're getting food everywhere. Honestly, Ronald do you not have any self-control. You eat like an animal..."
Looking at them, Percy looks at his friends who were already eating, shrugs, and digs in.

After the feast

Ron was leading the first years up to the common room as he was a prefect. We were all just tagging along. Over to the side, I saw Draco, leading up the first years as well. I was sure we had been avoided before I heard one of the first years saying
" is that Harry Potter? I heard him and Malfoy  had some kind of rivalry going on"
" well obviously, wouldn't that scene that they made in the middle of the hall prove it." " They have so much tension, it gives me second hand embarrassment. I wont be surprised if the two were dating" an older student said, joining in on the converation.

"My rivaly with potter should be none of your concern. And for your kind infromation me and potter are NOT dating" Draco snapped. The three students immediatly shut up.

I chukled while listeing to them.Little do they know. Draco gave me a look
" what cha looking at potter" he said
" oh nothing malfoy. Just thinking about the time you were turned into a ferret" i said
" we don't talk about that potter" he replied " come on slitherins"
Ron scoffed then led us to the tallest tower. I have no idea why our dorms are so high up. We got to the fat ladys portait, the slytherins long gone as their common room is in the dungeons.

"Now listen closely as I will only repeat the password once" Ron announced sounding more formal than he ever does. "Domus Fortium"

—————————- Percys PoV ———————————

The red head said some password in Latin. I think it means house of the brave or something. Jason probably knows.

"Psst Jason, Jason, Jason" I whisper, poking him in the process

" what Percy?"
" do you know what the password means"

"Yea, it means house of the brave"
" I knew it. I was right " I whisper yell yell. It wouldn't do us no good to draw attention. Well even more attention, seeing what happens in the hall.

Back to the portrait. It swung open revealing a circular, huge room. It was bathed in red and gold and had a comfy, homey feel too it. On the sides there were two stair cases. There was a fireplace on one side along with couches and desks. One of the stair cases is probably the stairs that the redhead, Ron I think his name was, was saying was the way to the boys dormitory. The other ones the way to the girls. It only lets girls though but they can come into ours.
" it's getting late and you all have a whole day of classes ahead of you, so I suggest going to bed now. Your luggage has already been delivered to your dorm" Ron announced then rushed up the stairs, no doubt heading towards his dorm. Slowly everyone started making their way upstairs.

Me, Leo and Jason headed upstairs, looking for our names in front of our dorm doors. Turns out we are sharing a room with Harry, Ron, and a boy named Neville Longbottom.

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