Chapter 4

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Percys POV
"What are you all waiting for?? Grab on" hectare urged

I grabbed on and suddenly the world starts spinning. I look around and see everyone is hi ding on for their lives. How did I end up doing this.

"LET GO" Hecate yelled

"WHAT", Annabeth yelled back


We all let go and suddenly we are falling through the air. I flop onto the ground, and damn that hurts. Hecate landed on her feet. How is she doing that. She gotta teach us. Anyways.

I try to get up then realize I'm buried under a pile of people. What a great way to enter England.

After we all got off of each other and dust ourselves off, hectare tells us that she has already bought our supplies for the year and gotten us a place to stay until school starts. Then she teleports us there. It is a kinda rundown place called the leaking cauldron. We all make our way to our rooms to find out that hectare has booked us a room each.

As I enter I see a huge stack of books next to a bef with a Note next to it. I picked the note up. The message was written in shining ink.

Go to ollivanders to get your wand tomorrow. I have given everyone some money but your parents have left you some as well. It's at the wizark bank- hectate

Well it looks like we know what we are doing tomorrow.

————————-the next day —————————-

I walk downstairs to see everyone is gathered around a rather large table. I yawned while dishing out a good morning. Everyone replied with variations of good morning. We were getting stares by some of the older wizards in the area, but I assume it was cause of our accent.
"Did all of you get a note about getting your wands?? I asked. I looked around the table and everyone nodded.

"We were thinking About setting out right after breakfast. We were just waiting on you" Annabeth said.

"Yea that sounds good" I replied

——————an hour later———-
We were all waiting by the entrance to go, discussing weather we wanted to et out wands first or explore. We all decided to get our wands first. We head towards olivanders, pushing through the crowded alley. Why is this alley so packed, like can't yiu like make it not packed with magic. Can't be that hard right?

As we entered olivanders, we noticed that the store was incredible small and cramped, with large shelves taking up most of the store.

Getting our wands was quite an experience

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