Chapter 14

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Thank You @Blood_Wolf96  for voting. It really gave me motivation

Dracos Pov

" GUYS LOOK OVER HERE" I yell, causing them all to snap their necks at me.

I look back outside to see a HYDRA stomping out of the forest. A HYDRA!! Everyone was shell-shocked. It looked like their eyes would pop out of their heads. Especially POttah and Weasley.

" GUYS  IGS  A HYDRA!!!" Percy yelled

" Not this again," Annabeth said, facepalming

" Wait a Hydra, like in the greek myths?" Harry asked, obviously confused


I look around to see that the others were running out. I'm gonna have to help fight  as well, aren't I .
"Potter, Weasley, we are going to handle this. So don't move." I say then run out the door . After a few minutes, I hear a few footsteps behind me. i turn to see potter and weasley running behind me. I swear they are gonna get themselves killed. Why are we fighting this thing. Can't we just leave it alone. It's not like it's gonna attack hogwarts now is it.

Harry's pov

" What are you dim wits doing here!!!!your gonna get yourselves killed!!!!!" Malfoy yelled

" We are gonna help" Ron says, stepping up.

" No your not" Draco says
" Yes we are"
" you wouldn't help if you care even a bit about your lives" 
" I don't care, we are helping. Were bloody 8th years. we survived the being the center of the wizarding war. I don't think a hydra or whatever it is is going to keep us from helping our friends."Ron said
" magic doesn't work on those monsters" Draco added, causing a long awkward silence

" Then we will make it work" I say, startling both of them.

Malfoy gives us this nasty look, turns away, says
" Don't say I didn't warn ya" and walks away, slowly breaking in to a jog then a sprint.

We run after him to see some of the new kids I didn't really bother to get to know, along with Jason, Hermione, Leo, Annabeth, and Percy fighting. The thing had like 4 heads and was spewing FIRE. Malfoy pulls out a bow and arrow as well and starts SHOOTING IT. WHERE DID HE EVEN KEEP THE BOW AND ARROW. I NEVER SAW IT. EVEN WHEN I SAW STALKING MALFOY. wait...FORGET I SAID ANYTHING.

I run towards the hydra with my wand out.
"Reducto" I say as I fire the spell. The hydra turns towards me and spits fire. I instinctively stepped back and then...
I STEPED ON SOMETHING. I look back to see that it was the stupid resurrection stone. Obviously I had to find it now. In the middle of battle. AND I Broke it.  Draco rushed forward with his bow, and yells something, but I bend down and pick up as many shards of the stone as I can. Suddenly I hear a voice. My knees start feeling like jelly and the world starts to black out. I can faintly hear Draco and Percy yelling, though I don't know what. Then the world goes black.

Harry Potter
A great surprise awaits you, dear Child

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